Chapter 2

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Your POV:

As I woke up I rubbed my eyes and walked out of my house to do my chores. I am now 22 and I still haven't left Encanto. As I was doing my chores peacefully a sad girl walked to me. That's right, the mystery girl who I had known as my friend, Dolores Madrigal. We had been friends since I had first arrived and I have yet to tell her about my crush for around the last four years.

"Hello Y/N," Dolores said gloomily. I looked up from my chores and sighed. Probably about Mariano... again.

"Hi Dolores, what's wrong?"I asked concerned.

"Oh it's nothing... only Mariano." She sighed and looked at me.

Why won't Dolores notice me for once. I've always been there for her and Mariano won't even spare her a glance, he's too obsessed with Isabela. I looked at her sad expression and sighed. 

"Maybe you should forget about Mariano, there are plenty others out there for you." I said with an expressionless face. She looked at me confused.

"What do you mean Y/N? Are you okay?" 

I sighed and looked her in the eyes.

"Maybe if you realize that he is too caught up with Isabela to think about anything else you wouldn't get hurt." And with that last sentence I left. I walked back to my house, leaving a sad Dolores behind staring at me. 

Dolores POV:

I watched as they left me standing there. Why do I feel a sudden need to call after them? I walked back to see my mom staring at nothing, with a little cloud floating above her head. I walked up to my mom and sat next to her. She looked at my sad expression, the cloud upon her head disappearing. She suddenly hugged me, and in response I returned the hug and let at least one tear fall. 

But through the pain I felt there was only one question left. 'Why does this hurt so bad?' All friends fight... well at least I hope they do, but still another question remains. 'Are we only just  friends?' I had never thought about us being more than friends but maybe it would be better that way then me desperately waiting for the day Mariano notices me. 

As I pondered more I only could think about I could apologize, maybe I had been not paying attention to them enough, I guess I should just stop thinking about it and go to sleep.  I tried to sleep as I heard an overwhelming amount of crying  from Y/N's house. They were crying again, except this time it was most likely because of me. 

Your POV:

As I cried alone in my bed I had the sudden realization that Dolores could possibly be hearing me now. I tried to ignore that thought and instantly wiped my tears and laid myself down on my bed. I fell asleep while still thinking of how to apologize. I fell asleep soon and had another dream about my beloved Dolores. 

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