Chapter 7

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(Unfortunately I will not be able to write the entire song so... its up at the top)
Your POV:
I was walking to the infamous Madrigal house holding something I had decided she would like, some flowers and a poem.  As I was tripping on my own feet while reading out loud It had begun pouring rain.

Seriously Pepa? The flowers and paper suddenly started to drift away in the rain. Wow. As I started to walk back, clothes dripping with rain, I heard very loud singing. I walked closer to the house and heard Pepa and Felix singing about some guy named Bruno.

I knew about Bruno, I had asked Isabela and Dolores who he was, since "nobody talks about Bruno." But Isabela didn't even bother to respond, and Dolores just said it was her uncle that disappeared. I didn't even know the guy but I don't even think he was even that bad. The Madrigals are very dramatic, this also means the random singing.

After they finished they're little part of the song Dolores started her part of the song. I smiled to myself hearing her soft voice. Even when whispering I could always hear her beautiful voice. While I was listening to her soothing voice I almost fell over when I heard the shouting yell of Camilo starting to sing.

Once I had fully realized I was practically stalking the Madrigals, I got up to leave but I had apparently made too much noise. The next thing I knew I was staring at a confused Dolores. She looked down at me and I immediately got back up, I felt my cheeks start burning like a fire.

"Y/n, it's nice seeing you of course but why are you here? Is something wrong?" I could tell she was worried and as I was about to explain why I was there I stopped.

How are you supposed to say you were stalking your crushes house and family. That's weird y/n so I just didn't say anything. I could tell the long silence was scaring Dolores a bit. So I grabbed one of the less damaged flowers and gave it to her.

"I-uh got this for you..." I noticed the state of the flower and stared sadly at it. "Sorry it started raining so..."

She looked at it for a minute and smiled.

"It's the thought that counts." She grabbed the flower and I blushed. She walked away from me by only a couple steps until she turned and asked, "Did you want to stay for dinner? Isabela's proposal is supposed to happen tonight."

I smiled and just replied "yes." I grabbed her hand and held it. Her leading me inside. I love her. But she wasn't the only reason why I wanted to stay, I wanted to see the look on Isabela's face when Mariano proposed.

(A/N: THIS TOOK FOREVER I AM VERY SORRY THIS BOOK ISNT DONE IM JUST TIRED! A lot has happened since the last chapter so yeah)
Sorry not an update I just fixed a spelling error that bothered me

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