Chapter 3

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Your POV:

I woke up looking and feeling terrible. My dad walked in the room and took one look at me and screamed, which caused my mom and Miguel to come in as well. My mom gasped and Miguel ran to hug me. I just sat in silence.

"Are you alright? Did something happen?" My mother had asked, obviously concerned.

I just got up and got ready. I didn't say a word. My father had come up to me after I had brushed my teeth and stood in front of me.

"You know tonight is Antonio's gift ceremony. Do you think you'll be okay enough to go?" My dad had asked.

I suddenly brightened up. If I could go to the ceremony I would be able to see Dolores, then I could actually apologize. I stood up and kicked my family out of my room before saying.

"Of course I will be able to go but I need to change to be ready for the day. Goodbye!"

3rd Person POV:

Y/N had been in their room for a long time just deciding what to wear, also if Dolores would like it.

(I really don't care, wear whatever)

Realizing that it was almost time to go they put on random things before double checking their outfit in the mirror, nodding with satisfaction they went to meet up with their family. As they all left Y/N couldn't help but feel nervous. What if Dolores didn't want to see them? What if she didn't accept the apology? Lost in their own thoughts, Y/N hadn't realized they had already arrived at Casa Madrigal. They smiled to Luisa as her and Camilo were greeting the guests. Camilo shapeshifted into Miguel and he giggles watching Camilo imitate him. Y/N smiled at them and walked past to find Dolores. It took awhile until Y/N spotted a specific red ribbon tied in a bun. They smiled and watched her. She was talking to her family members. Dolores feeling eyes on her, turned around and locked eyes with Y/N. It felt for both as time had stopped, both trapped in each others eyes, longingly staring at each other.

Then Y/N felt a push towards Dolores and stumbles turning around to see Miguel pushing Y/N closer to Dolores. They turned back to see Dolores giggling slightly. Y/N smiled and walked up to Dolores, instantly hugging her. Dolores hugged back as well. Once they had let go of each other, Y/N held both Dolores hands in theirs. Y/N smiled at Dolores and apologized profusely. Dolores just stood there and smiled looking in their eyes. 

"You're rambling, but I forgive you." Dolores smiled at Y/N again and let go of their hands.

"But I really am sorry, I shouldn't have blown up on you like that." Y/N look up shyly at Dolores.

"It's okay you're still my best friend," Dolores said before pausing.

Dolores POV:



I mentally face palmed.

Then it was time to meet up with Antonio before his big moment.

"Well I have to leave but I will see you after okay?" I was internally panicking. 

 I eagerly left Y/N standing alone looking sad.


Friends... right just friends.

I watched her leave and went back to my family, disappointed. But it was time for the ceremony to begin and I stayed off to the side, watching behind some people. But the only person who I had my eyes on were Dolores, she looked so proud of her brother. I love everything about her. 

(Author's Note)

Dude this chapter sucked and I am sorry I couldn't have posted it sooner. Thank you all for the votes.

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