4=>your thoughts

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"Albedo does this thing we're he wonders around and doesn't say anything. So my solution is to get a back pack leash...that didn't work"

"I made a chart of the times he hasn't gotten himself or others hurt. So far it's had been one hour since any accident. A new record!"

"I don't know how his popsicles stay cold. I did his laundry one time and turns out his clothes are totally normal. Maybe it's his vision helping him out."

"He's not a drinker at all. We went to this gathering one time and left the second Keaya took out a bottle."

"Out of the many years I known him I'd say I never seen him drunk. Probably a little tipsy though"

"Have you seen his hair recently? I just did a deep wash this morning, I even found a stick inside it. Gross gross gross gross!"

"He keeps telling me to grow up! We're the same age plus I don't need him to grow up I drink milk"

"Venti? Or should I say Barbatos? Hehe. No really"

"He said and I quote 'y/n if your friends jumped off a bridge would you do it too?' Im a leader not a follower"

"He's so mean sometimes! I could be getting killed right behind him while he's to busy blow drying his hair!"

"He's so wise. He gave me a whole lecture about history without using cheat notes. Where was he when I was doing my studies"

"I love exploring with them! I try my best to find their twin when I'm on my own, so far I have gotten to nothing. I feel like I let them down."

"He's always busy doing someone's chores. He's like a single mom who works two jobs, who loves her kids and never stops. With gentle hands and a heart of a fighter. He's a survivor"

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