28=> whould I be friends with them IRL?

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I got a job yay! Now I can pay my debt of my Kpop obsession

-I think we'll follow each other on social media ands that's it
-you say your friends but I wouldn't talk to him all the time
-he's like your classmates that you get along with

-yeah totally
-whould inspire me to go on adventures but then I remember I'm a week as bitch
-he reminds me a lot of one of my friend how they always will try something new

-yeah why not we have things in common
-we both don't like heat
-whould have a heat stroke
-prefer the cold
-but I'm Mexican and spicy stuff is in my blood. 
-then again I prefer cold pizza

-I think we whould but I'm also very annoying
-who needs kids when you can take care of me
-whould give me relationship advice for our non existent relationship we have with people
-I'm poor he's rich it's a match made in heaven

-he's know my name but I totally forgot his
-it's embarrassing but I'll rarely see the guy and we don't have things in common
-he likes to drink, I like to sleep
-I get bitches and he doesn't
-very different

-very much yes
-we'll go to eat very now and then but I don't eat meat so we'll have a hard time agreeing on something
-but I do like to cook and some will have to take home all the extra batches I made

-when he talks I want to punch him in the face
-when I see him I'll cry
-he steels my lunch money
-probably stole my totally real car too
-heck he stole my mom

-he's a acholic and I drink carbonated beverages because I'm crazy
- then again if I need a blow dryer I guess I could ask him

-I feel like yes
-I'm really annoying though I can be good company
-I'll like to think he'll like my knowledge about why cheese is so expensive and then slowly turn to the fnaf lore

-I think so
-we'll talk about theories and manny random things
-he likes reading, I can't read so he can read out loud to me because im already stressing out

-im not a walking wallet and he's just to annoying for me
-I'll cry if he sits next to me
-like im trying to sleep and not learn all about styrofoam

-fashion shows are forced as well as watching kdramas
-English may not be my first language but paimon knows every language so she's my translator

-yes, but I'm a really tired person
-I like to sleep and watch people do things
-he wouldn't like it but we're so cool we're like besties

-he says no and I say yes
-nothing in common but it doesn't stop him stealing my house keys
-I do believe I'll put a kick me sign on his back

-I'm not a dog person but I'll happily be friends with him
-finally someone to order food for me because I'm to shy
-sleep overs contains with him sleeping at the end of the bed

-heck yeah
-we will get high and probably the person I'll like to get high with
-I don't know what he's smoking but he better be sharing

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2023 ⏰

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