27=>How they whould be as college roommates

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I'm very sleep deprived

-will be the guy who stays up at night doing who knows whats under the covers
-the only thing you see is a glow under the sheets
-like the room smelled worst then it was before and the RA definitely didn't knoticed that

-whould crash in other dorms, like his friend's dorms almost everyday
-he don't use his room unless it's for storage and let's be honest he's carrying that stuff with him
-so far you have the biggest room on campus

-the room will always be cold even in the summer
-he's the type to sleep with no blank on and the lack of decoration on his side of the room
-that alone I think he doesn't have any covers it's the cushion that's provided alone and maybe that one pillow you gave him

-I'm being honest he has his own room and not sharing it with anyone
-I see myself crashing there every other day at a point he got a bunck bed for us just for the fun of it
-he got the best snacks and the nicest furniture so there will be people asking to borrow things

-definitely the RA who didn't give a damn if you got a cat in your room because he has more in his room
-would always ask to borrow things and not return then back so everyone just agreed to stop letting him use things
-he will also throw parties every weekend in his dorm

-Definitely has the most messy room that he has went threw so manny roommates
-is the reason why there's ants in the building and that's on the poorly build walls themselves
-you'll definitely find some random guy in the pile of trash that's been there since the dinosaurs

-man is to classy to live on campus
-he has a whole ass apartment to himself so he doesn't live with the poor people
-doesn't let people stay over unless he fucked up and will let you stay over the night only for him to move the next day so no one knows where he lives

-the dropout
-I don't think he has his own dorm room and just sleeps in other rooms or in the hall
-the RA definitely got his ass out of the building manny times and he somehow keeps coming back

-when he said he'll divide the room equally he wasn't joking
-there's tape in the walls and everything is marked
-the only thing you two share is the only way to get in and out of the room

-I believe he's the chill roommate but definitely has a bunch of books laying around
-he'll always eats amazing meals because how rich is family is and won't share unless your willing to trade one of your organs

-his side of the room is decorated with the stuff they give you at the welcome event where they give you like a poster and literally anything with their school's logo on it
-uses your things without asking and returns them back all ruined
-though he finally got a sugar daddy by the upper class men and now as more nicer things but still uses your stuff

-all there is, is a teapot and a motivational cat poster
-you two agreed on bunk beds because paimon gotta sleep somewhere! Like there's a dog bed and everything in her corner
-I do imagine you two buying a carpet that is a black whole since you can find what you need in there

-his side is cleen and never leaves without making his bed flat as possible
-I do see him having his door open letting people in asking for help and so on
-but what really bothers me that he wakes up at 8 to clean with loud ass music. I was literally out Mexican by a man with a ponytail

-definitely the bully roommate 100%
-hours be mean when the door is open and be depressing when it's closed
-whould ask him is he's down to go to get Wendy's at 2am only for him to say no and somehow end up eating Wendy's in ten floor

-the room is so small he somehow made it look like a two bedroom apartment wtf
-he's also gives me the idea that he likes sleeping at the end of the bed and moves a lot
-oh no he won't sleep on his bed but your bed instead

-the man is high all the time and I don't know how. It's like when your neighbors are smoking and you get the second hand pressure from them
-will talk about the universe in the middle of the night while your trying to study for that exam you have the next morning and he doesn't care
-owns a lava land and broke it so you guys have to change rooms while they clean your room because if the chemicals

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