26=>Voice lines that i think of alot

671 17 5

"You would like to know more about petrified trees? Erm... Actually, the petrified trees you have come across in domains aren't that ancient. Truly ancient trees usually grow to around one or two miles in height. Oh, and there's a kind of large spider that lives around their roots — if you tie one up in cape jasmine and lemongrass and sprinkle on some cardamom, smoke it for a few hours — you get a fragrant taste that's simply... unforgettable."

"brought a sandwich. You want some? I'll give you hal- *choking* *spluttering* ...Phew. Sorry, nearly choked to death there!"

"I do admire Xingqiu for his devotion to chivalry and his martial arts proficiency. However — I must warn you that he definitely has a mean side, too. If you find that you fall foul of any of his antics, come to me and we'll form a "Victims of Xingqiu" alliance. There is strength in numbers."

"I don't need an umbrella, but you can use one if you need."

"My eye? My eye is fine. There's nothing unusual about hiding one's body parts from view. It's the same reason I wear pants... or any other item of clothing, for that matter."

"I like meat and I like potatoes."

"The wind is picking up. There is conflict in the air."

Me when I herd this for the first time: there's a little bîtch in the air

"What's that? You think I should try harder to be a good Anemo Archon? Well you could be a better devotee too... you could be more pious, more passionate, or... um..."

"If you awake to a knife at your throat, if monsters dig their claws into you, if death comes knocking at your door, call out my name. Adeptus Xiao. I will be here when you call."

"Now this is what I call, "a moment of solitude."

"You speak of the young adeptus of Guili Plains... *sigh* Still fulfilling his duty to this very day. Please give these painkillers to him on my behalf. Oh, and — be sure not to let Paimon eat them. Nothing of this world can withstand the power of this medicine."

Traveler =>

To paimon: "With your size, I can't believe that you can drink that much liquid"

"Don't run on the ice... 'cause if you fall down, I won't help you up, you gotta learn somehow."

"......My mother........"
Everyone: 👁👄👁

"Huh? "Top Dog Gorou"? Where did you hear that? *sigh* To be honest, I've grown quite close with my fellow officers, and always share any good news I might have with them. In private, they've all started calling me Top Dog out of respect... But in terms of age, they are all my seniors."

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