Chapter 5

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I sat in my office chair, video chatting with Gray. He said he was stuck at headquarters and couldn't come check on me so this was the next best thing. We had been talking for about an hour and a half, mostly about nothing. every now and then, Natsu or Erza would pop in and say something.
"Gramps has us all over the place. I haven't slept in days," Gray sighed.
"You slept like two hours ago," Erza scoffed. I couldn't help but laugh.
Just then, my phone rang. I looked up and gave an apologetic look before turning back to my phone. I froze.
Lucy sat in shock. Her phone continued to go off.
"Uhh.. Lucy you should get that," I said. she blinked a couple times before pressing answer and slowly bringing it up to her ear.
"H-hello?" She asked shakily. there was a faint sound of an answer.
"Yeah, but-" she was cut off by the person on the other line. "Yeah.... why would I do that?" She looked surprised. "How would you know?" She shouted into the phone. I watched as her face suddenly flushed. she hummed a response to the other person before pulling the phone from her ear and hanging up.
"Who was that?" I asked.
"I gotta go.." she said quietly. She slowly leaned forward to turn off the camera.
"W-wait!" It was no use, she was gone. I looked up to see Erza looking completely confused.
"Erza! Go down to Lucy's and-" Erza thumped me in the forehead.
"At least say please or don't sound so demanding," she sighed. Natsu walked in.
"Hey, got the food," he grinned.
"Natsu! I need you to do some field work!"
"Oh no. last time, I had to go get the takeout."
"Please, this is the real stuff!" I said.
"Really? Alright!" He threw a couple air punches. "What do I gotta do? Stop a drug deal? Catch an assassin? What ever it is I'm ready!"
"Go to Lucy's apartment and see if she okay or if she's left. Then text me. Got it?" Natsu frowned.
"I thought you said field work. This is just boring," he grumbled. I pushed him out the door.
"Not time to sulk, get out there," I shut the door behind him.
I struggled to pack as fast as I could. if he was right, I would need to leave. Now. I tried to ignore the small pains in my hip. I quickly zipped up my bag and put on some decent clothes. I put plue on his leash and looked to see if I missed anything. my eyes caught sight of the necklace dad gave me. I sighed and grabbed it, stuffing it in the pocket of my bag.
Knock knock.
I sighed and hurried to the door. I cautiously looked through the peep hole, frowning when I saw a familiar Pinkett. I swung the door open.
"Yes?" I looked around, surprised to not see Gray.
"Gray wanted me to check up on you -wait- why so dressed up? For the past few days, all I've ever seen you in is shorts and over sized t-shirts. And is your hair brushed?" Natsu inspected me carefully.
"If you must know, I'm gonna go out for a while," I said, rolling my eyes.
"For how long, couple hours?"
"Try a couple days.." I picked up my bag and plue's leash, pushing past him.
"What?! Oh Gray is gonna freak." Natsu smirked. "I mean, first you hang up on him after some 'mysterious' phone call, now you're gonna leave for a couple days.. I can't wait to see his face," he chuckled to himself. I rolled my eyes.
"Gray won't freak."
"Oh really? He went crazy 'cause Erza forgot to tell him about going on vacation with her boyfriend. He thought she was captured by the mafia!" Natsu snorted. I couldn't help but laugh as well. I was so focused on talking to Natsu, I hadn't noticed we walked down to the parking lot.
"You know, if it's the apartment you're getting away from, you could always come stay at headquarters. I mean, we'd have to sneak the the dog in.." he smiled.
"I'd love to."

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