Chapter 3

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"Wait, Lucy?" Natsu turned to me.

"What?" I gave him a glare. I noticed Gray's eyes widen, but dismissed it.


"Hit the deck!" Gray yelled. Every became a blur, fast movement all through out my apartment. I heard shattering glass, a harsh pain in my right hip. I gasped, my hand emidiately going to my hip. I felt warm liquid on my hand, looking down to see thick red blood slowly coming out of my side. More pain. Then I felt tired, I slowly let my body shut it's self down, falling to the floor. Everything went black.

___NO ONE'S POV___

"Nice going guys. Not only did you get caught raiding the girl's apartment, but you let her get shot! She could potentially be the key to this case! What is wrong with you two?!" A lovely red haired maiden yelled to the two boys as the stood out in the hall of the hospital.

"It's not our fault she got shot, Erza." Gray argued.

"Yeah, it's not like we knew the sniper was there." Natsu added.

"Wasn't she supposed to pick you up from the airport?" Erza raised a brow. The boys looked at their shoes. Their 'conversation' was cut short by an old woman.

"Are you three here for the Heartfilia girl?" the woman asked, Erza nodded.

"Yes, ma'am. Is she okay?" Erza seemed a bit worried.

"She'll be fine in due time. But it seems her records show she been shot before, are any of you a family member?" Natsu and Gray frowned.

"What do you mean she's been shot before?" Gray asked.

"Well, it say about a year ago, she was in an accident at a shooting range." the woman stared down at her clipboard.

"None of her family members are in town." Natsu cut in. "But Gray is the closest to her." Gray and Erza looked at him, shocked. Natsu only shrugged. The lady nodded.

"Then come with me." she gestured Gray to follow. Natsu leaned against the wall.

"Mind telling me how you know that?" Erza crossed her arms over her large chest.

"Gray said she was an only child and didn't know much about either side of her family, and I read a letter from her father that said he was leaving for a while. I just put two and two together."


I opened my eyes, cringing at the bright light. My throat was dry and my entire body ached as if I had been asleep for days. I did my best to sit up, quickly regretting it. A sharp pain ran through my hip. I groaned and fell on my back. After a moment of pain, I opened my eyes once more, taking in my surroundings. I laid in a room of pure white. I guess I was in a hospital. One thing caught my eye. A large bouquet of white roses sat on the small table next to me. I noticed and card next to them. Neat letters covered the tiny paper. I skimmed through it, my eyes widening with every word.

Heartfilia, Next time, we aim for your heart. Are you willing to die for the man who didn't even raise you?

In the left corner was a seal. I remembered it from some where, but didn't know exactly what. White roses were sign of purity and innocence, but they also ment silence. Everything about this was so fimiliar, though I couldn't pin where they were from. Where had I seen these things before?

I almost jumped out of my skin at the sound of the door creeping open. I looked up to see Gray and a nurse. The nurse gave me a smile and went straight for the I.V, I looked back to Gray.

"The doctor says you've been shot before." He moved a chair to my right.

"Yeah, a shooting range." My voice cracked. Gray studied me carefully, frowning at the card in my hand.

"Oh, this came with the roses." I said.

"Who gave you the roses?" Gray asked.

"Uh.. Oh uh.. An old friend!" I smiled, he only frowned further.

"I didn't know anyone was contacted about the acident." Gray leaned back in his chair.

"I-I asked a nurse to call him earlier. He must've come by when you were gone and I was asleep." I tried to make a story. I didn't want to bring Gray into my problems. Slowly, he nodded and stood up.

"I've got a meeting, I'll swing by when I get out 'kay, Lucy?" Gray leaned down and kissed my forehead. I smiled and bid him a goodbye. He swiftly grabbed his coat and walked out of the room.

"Thats quite a boyfriend you've got. After you got out of surgery, he refused to leave the room for anything!" the nurse exclaimed. I blushed.

"H-he isn't my boyfriend." I pulled the blanket over my face to hide my red cheeks. she giggled and walked out.


I stood next to Natsu, who was playing with his lighter. I couldn't stop thinking about those roses. Something about them was wrong. I sighed.

"Dude, calm down. the doctor said she was fine." Natsu patted my back. I glanced over to Lucy's room to see the nurse walking out. I rushed to her.

"Excuse me, but did you see who gave her those flowers?" I pointed to lucy's room. The nurse gave a nod.

"It was a young man, fairly tall, he had black hair, and red eyes." She discribed. I nodded, watching as she walked away. I walked back to Natsu.

"What was that all about?" Natsu asked. I only looked to the floor. That description. It can't be who I think it is.

Fairy Tail: Crime Unit(Nalu, Gale)Where stories live. Discover now