I was glad that Emily didn't push me on the subject of my nightmares. It was way too much for her to handle and I had finally gotten with someone who I could trust. There was no way I was going to risk that."Goodmorning beautiful." Emily whispered sleepily in my ear. I shivered but whispered it back to her.
"I hate school." I said glumly, shoving myself out of bed.
"I do too, but it gives me a chance to show you off." Emily blushed when I looked at her. Her words sent a rush of heat through my body, she actually did care about me.
"Yeah," I flicked my hair off of my shoulder, "your hot new girlfriend."
"Not girlfriend, not yet." She winked and I turned around before she could see me smile really hard.
"Which beanie should I wear?" I asked, changing the subject.
"Black, with the white stripe at the bottom. Oh and then wear your black skinny jeans because you look super cute in those." She jumped out of bed to go change.
She was so adorable.
I wore what she suggested, then applied light mascara and waited for her to come out.
She came out of the closet wearing a sheer red shirt, and blinded jeans with converse.
"It's funny because I'm coming out of the closet right now, and I'm also coming out of the closet in an hour." Emily giggled at the realization of that. I was still too stunned my her beauty.
"I can't believe how gorgeous you are..." I licked my lips as she came closer to me. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and I wrapped mine around her lower back. She leaned in, smelling like soap and strawberries, and kissed me. I closed my eyes letting her lean into me. Her soft lips molded into mine and when we had broken apart, she placed her forehead on mine and smiled.
"Let's go make out in my car." Emily smirked, but I knew she was joking.
"Don't be a tease." I folded my arms staring at her as she walked out the door.
"Stop staring at me!" She hissed at me when I caught up with her.
"Whatever." I have her a side smile and she smiled back.
"Bye mom!" She called out and I waved at her mom and she waved back.
We arrived at school thirty minutes early, which was usual for us."What are your friends going to think?" Emily looked at me concerned.
"I don't really care what they think. How about you?" I replied, taking her hand.
"They already know." She admitted sheepishly.
"What?" I asked in shock.
Emily filled me in on the whole situation.
"Well I have to agree with spencer, Ben was a bad idea." I gave her a scorning look. She cringed at the thought of him.
"But it's over now. For sure." She said quietly.
"Of course." I kissed her cheek softly since I couldn't reach her lips.
"I haven't talked to them in a while, even though they've left me multiple messages. We should probably go meet up with them." Emily took her bag from the back and handed me mine.
"Thanks." I smiled at her because I liked seeing her blush.
She was nervous, I could tell. This was a big deal for her. If her parents found out, she would be dead, but I would be there for her.

Worth falling for
FanfictionAlison DeLaurentis is your typical high school gangster. Emily fields is a normal school girl. Alison always gets what she wants, but will she get Emily?