"Let's go make dinner. What do you want?" Emily asked as I played with her hair."What do you have in the pantry?" I answered her question with a question.
"Anything and everything." She replied pecking me on the lips and untangling herself from my arms. When she left, I felt a cold draft of air breeze through my shirt.
"Okay well I'm really craving pasta..." I admitted, but I felt weird asking for things.
"Perfect. I'm always craving pasta, let's go!" She pulled at my hand and I locked our fingers together. She looked down at our hands and smiled, I don't think she knew I was watching her.
"I'll make the Alfredo sauce..."
"And I'll cook the pasta and the bread." Emily finished excitedly.
"Okay." I laughed at her adorableness and opened the door to get the sauce packets.
After I had boiled the water and poured the sauce into the pan, I just stood there waiting. I was watching Emily and it was quite entertaining. The way she put her foot behind her leg as she was stirring the pasta, the way she hummed (way out-of-tune) when she rolled the dough into little twisted breadsticks. The way she almost skipped to the oven to put the breadsticks in. Then, when she moved her hair to the side of her face exposing her neck, I couldn't resist it anymore. I moved to her side and hugged her from behind.
"You're beautiful." I kissed her pulse and then her jaw. She turned around and wrapped her arms around me, our eyes locked.
"So are you." She replied and then I kissed her, she smiled while we were kissing and that caused me to smile. We pulled apart but only for a second, to look into each other's eyes. Then I kissed her again, deeply. My tongue explored every inch of her mouth and when my tongue met hers, I gently sucked it and she responded with a deep moan. I pushed her up on top of the countertop, not breaking the kiss at all. She eagerly wrapped her legs around my waist, so I moved my hand to her thighs and massaged her tender spot on her thighs. She stopped kissing me to groan a little, she tilted her head back and I kissed her neck and then bit it. She massaged her fingers through my hair catching me by surprise. Just when things were getting really heated, the oven beeped signaling that the bread was done and the pasta was ready.
"Sorry." She blushed biting her lip.
"I'm not. That was amazing." I replied lightly kissing her forehead and helping her off the counter.
"You have a little something on your lip." I told her, then remember that I had said that her the first time I ate with her and how badly I wanted to wipe it off, this time I could. I grabbed a napkin from the table and dabbed the pasta sauce away from her lip. She looked at me and blushed a deep shade of red."Thanks." She looked away. I noticed that if she was embarrassed she never made eye contact.
I tilted her head towards mine wanting to continue what we had started earlier, but she had already picked up her plate and was holding her hand out for mine. Snapping back into reality, I handed her my plate and she went to go throw them away.
Not going to say that I didn't enjoy the view.
"Let's watch a movie." She suggested when she came back and sat down.
"Which one?" I asked putting my arm around her.
"The proposal. It's my favorite." She stood up and put the disc in.
"I'm so tired." I mumbled as she held out her arms for me to cuddle into. I graciously accepted it and snuggled deeper into her chest. She had pressed play, but I had already fallen asleep listening to the rhythmic beats of her heart.
I stretched my neck and looked around at my settings, confused as to where I was. I then recognized the place as my living room and I saw Alison curled up still in my arms.Crap, we had school.
"Alison, get up, we have school." I shoved her off me and she grunted in reply. I pulled her up by both her hands and tugged her to the bedroom.
"If this was in a different setting, I might actually like this." Alison teased and I shook my head.
"You're such a guy sometimes."
"I can't help it if you turn me on just by being you." She shrugged and took a pair of my jeans.
I pulled my hair into a ponytail and applied make up before I even got dressed. I threw on a floral vans tee and some black jeans.
"Dang. Why do you have to be so-" Alison stopped when I glared at her.
"Stop making me want to kiss you when we have to go to school. You know how we get carried away." I warned her but she just smirked and pulled on her usual beanie.
She was adorable in beanies.
No, scratch that, she looked freaking hot in beanies.
"Stop checking me out, pervert." She shook my shoulder and I snapped out of my daze.
"Sorry, I can't help it." I winked and grabbed my keys.
"I hate you." She whispered right as I opened the door. I closed it and shoved her up against it.
"I hate you too." I kissed her softly and when her lips leaned into mine wanting more, I pulled away, "not right now."
She just rolled her eyes but smiled, "later. Promise?"
School was extremely boring like always and Alison wasn't there at lunch, which was weird to me. She wasn't at my car either so I was starting to get worried. I didn't want to text her because I knew she had left her phone at my house so I just drove there instead and figured that she would show up eventually.I threw my keys on the counter and went to my room.
"Emily!" Alison smiled wide at me.
"Alison? Where were-" I stopped my sentence short because my breath caught in my throat. I took in my surroundings. Alison had set up an igloo tent in my bedroom and inside there was a little table with food and flowers.
Alison took my hand, "I wanted to do this the proper way so...Emily fields, will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes!" I exclaimed jumping into her arms. She laughed and kissed me, "why the igloo though?"
"Because since Eskimo kisses are our thing, it was only proper to have the proper home." She explained and led me to the tent.
When we sat down to eat our food, I admired her in the candlelight.
"What are you looking at?" She questioned.
"I just can't believe I get to call you mine now. It's like a dream come true and I know I'm not your childhood sweetheart, but I'm going to try to be better than her."
"Em, you-" she as interrupted by the front door opening.
"Em? I'm home!"
"Shoot, help me with the tent." Alison hissed at me, clearing out the flowers and the table.
"Hey mom. Uh, don't come in, I'm changing." I looked at Alison and grimaced.
She just stifled a giggle and stuffed the folded tent under my bed and out the table where it was supposed to be. She left the flowers by my bed.
"Okay. You can come in now." I pulled a white tee shirt on since I told her I had changed.
"Hey, just letting you know that I'll be home later to make dinner." She looked at the flowers by my table and raised her eyebrow at me.
"Ben." I shrugged and she seemed to believe it and left.
"Nice cover up." Alison pulled me into an embrace as soon as my mom left.
"Yeah. But I seriously have to change." I wrung my arms around the back of her neck, tracing circles on the nape of her neck. She seemed in a trance and just muttered words.
"I'll see you after practice. You promised." Alison spoke after I had changed.
"I know, I know." I grabbed my swim bag and headed to my car.
God, I loved this girl.

Worth falling for
FanfictionAlison DeLaurentis is your typical high school gangster. Emily fields is a normal school girl. Alison always gets what she wants, but will she get Emily?