Sleep sayings

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"No! No don't! Stop..."

I awoke to Alison thrashing around in her sleep. Tears were streaming down her face and she was clutching the bed sheets.

"Alison, wake up!" I shook her and she stopped moving. She rolled into her side and tucked her hands under her head, still sleeping.

I sighed to myself and just watched her sleep. What was she dreaming about?

"Alison?" I asked softly.

She flipped over and opened her eyes.

"Yes?" She mumbled, still in a dreamlike-state.

"Are you okay? You had a nightmare."

She instantly tensed up, "did I say anything?"

" just said no, don't do it. And stuff like that..." I was curious as to why her reaction was so guarded. Many people have nightmares.

She instantly looked relieved, "yeah, I'm fine."

"Fine. Really?" I glared at her, everyone knew that when someone said they were fine, they weren't.

"It was just a bad dream. What time is it?" She asked, changing the subject.

"Almost 10. My mom stayed in her office. Want me to make breakfast?" I stroked the hair off of her forehead.

"No, you stay here and rest. I'll make it for us."

Her answer surprised me, "you know how to cook?"

She giggled at my shock, "yes."

"Well I'd rather have yo-" I stopped myself, realizing what I was about to say.

Alison looked at me, knowing what I was going to say too, "shy in the streets, sexy in the sheets." She winked at me and butterflies exploded in my stomach.

"Want to see if that's true?" I bit my lip but just then, my stomach gurgled.

"No. You need to eat!" Alison looked sad that she had to leave but she did anyways.
Ten minutes later, Alison brought in two plates piled high with French toast and fruit.

"That looks amazing!" I complimented Alison and she couldn't hide the blush.

"Don't say anything until you've tried it."

"Oh right, you might try to poison me. Or it's laced with drugs and you're just trying to get me into bed." I giggled as I took a bite.

"Oh yeah, that makes sense seeing that you're already in bed." Alison pointed out but I was too busy having a mouth orgasm.

"Oh my gosh, this is amazing!" I said in between bites.

"Thanks." Alison sat down next to me and started eating too.

After we had finished eating, I cleared the plates.

"What do you want to do today?" I called out from the kitchen.

Alison walked into the kitchen, the sunlight hitting her face making her look like and angel. She snakes her arms around my waist, hugging me from behind.

"We could go shopping?" She suggested while she was kissing my neck, "or you."

I tensed up and turned around, "what?"

She just smiled seductively at me. I gulped as she tugged at my hand, motioning me towards my room.

"Are you sure?" I asked tentatively.

"Positive." Her eyes clouded over as she looked up and down at me.

"I don't think that we should..." I didn't want her to do something she might regret. Plus, we weren't even dating. What if she was just using me?

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