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I pulled into the arena a little early I had to meet with Pat my team's physical therapist prior to the game tonight. Tonight, was a big game and we needed this W.

"It looks like your leg is healing well, I'm going to tell coach again that it's okay to activate you tonight. Good luck" Pat stated.

"Thanks man" I replied.

I watched my team mate playing with his twins who were toddlers. Even though I'm only 24 I want to have that for myself soon. My parents married when they were 25 and had me at 26. In a world full of Instagram Models and Groupies it's hard to find a Good Thing. I haven't met a woman yet worthy of assuming my last name. I'm hopeful that changes soon.

When I got home, I quickly showered and put-on light makeup. I decided to wear my black skinny jeans with my Chanel sweater and over the knee boots. I admired my legs in the boots if we are going to sit court side I had to make sure my shoe game was on point. I threw my hair into a neat ponytail, and grabbed my Chanel flap bag and headed out the door.

I took an UberX since I lived downtown, I was only a few minutes away from the FedEx Forum and didn't feel like driving. I said goodnight to the doorman Mika and hopped in my ride.

On the short drive I took in the sights around me. Memphis was truly a beautiful city. Despite our First 48 reputation there was a lot of good it had to offer. The sidewalks were packed with pedestrians I assumed either heading to this Grizz game or Beale Street. When we pulled up, I noticed Kendra and hoped out to greet my friend. My boots began to click on the sidewalk announcing my entrance to Kendra who had her back turned. She turned around to greet me and exclaimed "you look great boo!" "Thanks girl" I stated giving her a quick hug.

"You know they playing the Lakers tonight and they got that fine ass rookie on their team" she said with a smirk. Kendra has always been into younger men don't ask me why. I prefer to date men around my age or older them young bulls a different breed.

The game was in full swing but I couldn't keep my eyes off of this fine ass woman directly across the floor from our bench. I saw her when she sashayed into the arena behind her homegirl. Her body is built to drive men wild and she knew it. She walked with an air of confidence about herself and I was instantly intrigued. During the second quarter our eyes locked and I didn't avert my gaze I wanted her to know I was looking at her. I wanted her.

Brewster ! Brewster! Coach motioned me over to him as he called a quick time out. He stated in a low tone "Stop staring at that woman and focus on what's in front of you!"

Damn, it's that noticeable? This ain't me. Even with coach on my ass I couldn't help but to glance at her when I had the chance. This feels different.

"I don't know why his young ass keep looking at me" I stated to Kendra.

"Bitch that's Dave Brewster and he's a starter don't act like that"

"How old is he."

"Hell, I don't know Google it".

I did just that and to my surprise he's 24 I'm six years his senior I don't rob cradles.

"He's 24 Kendra I don't do them young bulls I'm going to have to pass this one off to you".

"You ain't passing a fucking thing to me ma'am he's clearly all into you" she laughed.

Right when I looked up Dave was shooting a free throw. He made it then made eye contact with me. I felt warm under his gaze and looked away. One thing about me I ain't no shy bitch but for some reason his young ass has me blushing. I felt exposed under his stare. Weird.

"Are you coming to Level II with me after this" Kendra stated.

"Sure" I replied. I needed to get out. This would be my first time getting out in a while. Usually in my free time I'm meeting up with men I meet on Facebook Dating or Tinder and having a random hookup. I know it's wrong and dangerous but I like dick.

"So, tonight was a must win how do you plan on celebrating?" a red headed reporter asked.

"I'm not sure just yet I think there is plenty of ball left to play and we just have to keep building to make it to the championship" I replied.

As I sat there on the after-game panel with my teammates I couldn't stop thinking about the woman I saw in the all black. Strikingly beautiful. She had the nerve to look away from me like her ass was shy. Maybe she is but the way she walked into that arena she exuded confidence which is one of the characteristics I'm looking for in a woman. Any woman that planned on being with me had to have confidence. In a world full of Instagram models, it was needed, and as a celebrity I know I attracted a lot of attention from women. My woman had to be sure I was hers and hers only. My last relationship went downhill because of insecurity. No matter how many times I tried to tell Taria that nothing was happening she couldn't believe me so I ended it. I cannot babysit insecurities there was only so much reassurance I could give her.

As we headed back to the locker room, I decided to ask my team mates if any of them recognized her. "Ay, did anybody see ole girl with the all black on sitting courtside? Do y'all know her?" I asked.

Jeremy a fast-talking rookie stated "We all SAW her fine ass, but no I don't know her." I looked around the room and was only met with shrugs and a chorus of "no". Nobody knew her, damn.

Hoe to Housewife: Dave and WynterWhere stories live. Discover now