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How the fuck they miss a whole hundred shoots Young Dolph's song blared through Level II's speakers. Kendra and Wynter were on the dance floor enjoying themselves. Little did Wynter know Dave had been watching her from VIP all night.

The DJ started to play the Weeknds Earned It and Kendra and I started to wind down we had been on our feet since we entered this building. As we started to walk off the dance floor a big burly guy stepped in front of me and stated "Mr. Brewster wants to invite you and your friend up to VIP." Before I could object Kendra said "we'd love to." Brewster? Then it hit me it's the young bull from the game. What the hell is he doing in Level II I thought to myself. I turned to go the other way and Kendra grabbed me and whispered in my ear "bitch don't ruin this let's go up there and get some free shit they probably got all kinds of drinks and shit up there." I sighed and turned around and nodded to the burly security guard to lead the way.

When we made it to VIP he wasn't even up there. This negro got the nerve to invite us up here and he not even here. "Wait right here" the burly guy stated. I looked around and found a soft sofa to sit down on. I was tanked. I had been up all day at work, a game, and now the club. I had to remind myself I'm not 21 anymore. Kendra sat beside me and helped herself to the free food and liquor.

She looks beautiful when she sleeps. I had to run to the back to handle some business. I bought Level II about two months ago when it started to go under and with some revamping, I was able to rebrand it and make a profit. So far so good but I'm not the partying type so I oversee the financial matters and allow my General Manager Quita to run it.

When I came back from my office, I was surprised to see Ms. All Black asleep on a corner sofa in my VIP area. Her friend was too busy in my boy's Peety face to notice she had fallen asleep. I sat down beside her and let her sleep because she looked exhausted.

When I woke up Dave was staring at me.

"So, you just watch people sleep" I said irritated for no reason at all.

"No, I watch you sleep, what's your name."


"Are you single?"

"Very much so and I'd like to keep it that way."

Wynter's reply annoyed me and I couldn't put my finger on why. She seemed so sure of herself like being single is what she truly wanted. Why do I care though? Truth is that since the game I've been oddly attracted to her, and we haven't even had a full conversation. 

Just as my thoughts consumed me Wynter pulled her hair out of her ponytail and I could see just how long her tresses were. She was definitely natural. I loved natural women. She wore makeup but not too much, and again her body was made for a man to make love to. My eyes were fixated on her I couldn't help it.

"Tell your friend goodnight" Dave stated as he grabbed my hands and pulled me to a standing position.

"Excuse me?"

"Tell her goodnight"

At that moment Kendra was looking at me and mouthed "have fun" she winked at me and then went back to talking to her next flavor of the week.

"And exactly where are you taking me?"

"On our first date" he retorted.

Dave grabbed my hand and led me through the crowd to an exit. I caught several jealous stares from women as we made our way through. One of the women even had the gall to bump into me on "accident" of course. I played it cool and accepted her apology with class. That's how you truly kill haters with kindness but don't get me twisted I'm a South Memphian at heart I can gut a bitch.

When we finally made it outside the cool night air hit me and I shivered. I guess Dave noticed and I instantly felt his warm body press up behind me. "My car should be here soon" he whispered in my ear. I felt his erection on my ass and I became embarrassingly wet. He took the palm of his hand and outlined my curves with it. I then felt him bend his head down into the crook of my neck and his warm breath tinged my skin. Just as I began to enjoy it the valet pulled up with his Audi Q8.

"You hungry" he asked.

"Yes, just a little" I replied.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Waffle House" Wynter replied.

I chuckled.

"Negro that's the only thing that's open this time of night" Wynter laughed.

"You're right there's one close to my home we can stop there before we go to my house."

The drive to Waffle House was pretty silent. I decided to break the ice.

"You're pretty quiet for a woman who strikes me as a talker."

"Exactly, I'm an attorney I talk all day to clients, to judges, to juries, you name it. I do enjoy some silence every now and then."

An attorney? Now I see why she exuded so much confidence when she walked into the arena that kind of profession takes confidence.

When we arrived at Waffle House we were able to sit in an area that wouldn't draw too much attention to the both of us. Eating out as an NBA player is complicated even more so when you're with a woman.

We went back and forth with basic questions about parents, siblings, our favorite color etc.

Hoe to Housewife: Dave and WynterWhere stories live. Discover now