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I decided to start my hunt for the ever-elusive Wynter on Monday but today I would just chill. CoCo brought her favorite toy to me indicating she wanted to play. I threw the toy but with my thoughts clouded about Wynter I forgot that my MacBook was in the line of fire. As CoCo ran back, she got tripped up on the cord and pulled it off the table slamming it into the floor. I checked to make sure my favorite girl was okay before laughing.

"Come on now you have to go with me so I can get a new one" I told her. I grabbed my keys to head to BestBuy before they closed.

As I was heading out of BestBuy, I caught a glimpse of Wynter. My face quickly turned to a frown when I realized some nigga was in her face. I felt my insides heating up.

I felt relieved after leaving the gym. What I did with Pastor Quinn earlier was the fattest sin I've ever committed. I couldn't believe myself. The worst part of it all was that I actually liked it. My pussy got wet at the thought of how naughty I had been. This has to stop. Maybe I should attend therapy. Am I truly a hoe or do I have a sex addiction? Help me Lord.

As I walked to my car some random guy approached me from behind and abruptly grabbed my butt without my consent. I was so shocked I couldn't move. As if that wasn't enough, he started to press his erection against me and put his hand down my front. "Why are you acting so shy little mama, I've heard about you. I know you saw me looking at you in the gym."

Before I could do anything, I heard "YOU MUST HAVE LOST YOUR FUCKING MIND!" I turned to see a fire red Dave charging towards us. "Ay, that's Dave Brewster! My bad homie I didn't know this was your hoe" the random guy stated. Before I could defend myself, Dave knocked his ass out. I jumped back frightened. You would've thought that Dave hit me the way I moved. I didn't know what else to do so I turned in the direction of my vehicle. I have to find my car so I can get away from here!

As I started towards my car, I felt Dave's large hand grabbing my forearm.

"Unhand me!" I yelled.

"Let me go Dave" I yelled again.

At that moment Dave turned me to face him and said "You're coming with me!" Dave pointed towards the direction of his vehicle.

I hesitated for a moment and then I heard his angry voice state "MOVE. NOW."

I saw people standing around and I knew in this day and age that someone possibly had their phone out so I quickly obliged......under duress. I followed him quickly to his vehicle with my head hanging down the entire time. He opened my door like a gentleman and quickly ushered me into the passenger side.

He grabbed a bag out of the back and fumbled threw it before getting into the driver's seat and peeling out the parking lot like we were in the Daytona 500.

He glanced over at my outfit briefly. I turned my eyes away from his gaze.

"Put this on" he demanded.

"No absolutely not"

"Wynter, I wouldn't test my patience right now" he gritted.

Before I knew it, tears were streaming down my face and I could taste the salt from them on my lips. I had on my usual workout wear it was slightly revealing but my clothing doesn't give a man the right to sexually assault me.

"I didn't know him he  came up to me and did that randomly. I've never seen that man in my life" I cried out. I don't know why I felt the need to explain myself but I did. I saw Dave's jaw twitch, and he looked at me with those brown orbs and pulled over.

"Say it again" he said.

I repeated myself this time with him staring at me.

"What was that all about?"

"I had to make sure you were telling the truth. I had to look you in your eyes."

My tears started again.

"What in the fuck Wynter!"

"I'm a hoe—he probably has heard something about me."

"You're a what?"

"I'm a ho---" WHAM! Before I could finish my statement, Dave hit the brakes hard and pulled over again. He grabbed me by my workout top and pulled me into him kissing me. My body responded per usual. He jerked back and looked me directly in my eyes and said "You're a woman MY WOMAN and you are going to respect and conduct yourself as one from here on out."

I grabbed the hoodie sitting in his lap and quickly put it on.

As he pulled back on the expressway, he called some man and asked for him to meet us at his house. I kept crying I don't know why.

"Wynter, are you hurt anywhere?" Dave asked as he glanced over at me.

"No, I'm just shocked, but I am hungry."

Dave got off at the next exit and pulled into Jim-N-Nicks BBQ and ordered us some food through the drive thru. The young man at the window asked for a picture and he declined but handed him a signed Grizz t-shirt.

"Did you drive to the gym or take an Uber" he asked.

"I drove" I said lowly.

"Give me your keys I'll have one of my boys go and get it and bring it to my house."

"Do you have any spare clothing?"

"Yes, in my gym bag but I have to work tomorrow I don't have any work clothes I need to go home."

Dave got the food and pulled out of Jim-N-Nicks. He handed it to me and when I put it in the backseat that was the first time, I noticed CoCo in the back asleep. She of course quickly awakened when she smelled the barbeque we just purchased.

"Don't even think about it CoCo" Dave stated sternly. She quickly obliged and turned her body away from the bag to resist the temptation. She has quite the personality.

Dave drove towards the Wolfchase Mall.

"What size do you wear in clothing"

"A twelve"

"What's your shoe size?"


Dave pulled into the Macy's parking lot and told me he'd be right back. Two commercial breaks later he was back at the car with a fat ass Macy's bag. He put the things in the back and drove us to his house in silence.

When we arrived I immediately went upstairs. I was numb. I didn't know what to feel. I'm a hoe. An unlovable hoe. Why did he help me? Why does he want me? I decided to take a shower. When I got in I sat down on a bench inside and sobbed.

Hoe to Housewife: Dave and WynterWhere stories live. Discover now