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I let it slip I told Dave my deepest darkest secret. With the exception of Kendra those words have not left my mouth for anyone else to hear. Dave pulled up to a Walgreens and instructed me to stay put. He went inside for a few moments and came back out with a bottle of water and some Ibuprofen. He instructed me to take two and I did as I was told. The last thing I needed was him on my ass again. He's forcing me to open up and its actually a good thing. I can't keep fighting these demons alone, I need help.

When we got to my building Dave took my shoes off and gave me a pair of slippers he got from Walgreens. I didn't even notice them in the bag he placed in the backseat. He's so thoughtful. I started cry. I'm crying because he was thoughtful enough to grab slippers. What the fuck is wrong with me?

When we got inside Dave instructed me to lay down and he started a bubble bath for me. When he got done running the water he came back into my bedroom and quickly undressed me and carried me to the tub. He submerged my upper half in the bathtub and put a shower cap on my hair. Dave washed me so carefully and even used makeup wipes to remove my makeup before washing my face.

He tucked me in and then took a shower himself. Just as I began to doze off I felt the bed weigh down from his strong frame. I instinctively turned to face him so I could put my head on his chest. This was new. I'm not a cuddler. Even Dave seemed surprised but he opened his arms up so I could lay my head on him.

"You okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine. I'm starting to come to terms with the fact that I'm a slut." I said sarcastically.

At that moment Dave pulled my nightgown up and exposed my body.

He took two long fingers and put them deep inside my core. I moaned in satisfaction. I heard the swishing of my extremely wet core as he moved his skilled fingers inside of my canal. Dave continued to work his fingers skillfully in my core as he came up my body and put his mouth near my ear.

"You are a slut. My slut. The only man that can slut you out his me. Your fiancée. Marry me Wynter Hamm."

I cannot believe that I let Kendra drag me to this playoff game. Dave is the last person that I wanted to see tonight. After asking me to marry him I didn't reply but he's not taking no for an answer.

We arrived late and I was surprised to see the Grizz were up by 30. They were the underdogs. Kendra somehow managed to get the same seats we sat in last time.....directly across from the Grizz bench and Dave's penetrating gaze. He looked different. He obviously put on some more muscle and he cut his hair. He looked deliciously handsome. I kept averting my eyes away from his. His direct gaze was unsettling. I squirmed like a child ready for a sermon to be over with. Before I knew it, I started to feel sick.

It was the end of the fourth and the Grizz were obviously going to win. Kendra insisted we stay until the end. I began to feel queasy so I got up and headed towards the restroom. I didn't make it. I started to wobble and tried to steady myself. One of the floor boys noticed me becoming unbalanced and ran towards me. "Ma'am! ma'am are you okay?!"

I tried to answer but before I could reply I felt strong arms around behind me.

"I got her" I heard Dave's deep voice state. I heard Kendra's frantic voice say "Oh my God!" and after that I felt a jacket go over my head. Dave was so protective he wanted to hide my face from the cameras I'm sure.

I never lost consciousness I just felt uneasy. Luckily Kendra is a registered nurse. The paramedics that were in attendance at the game in case of an injury came to the back to check my vitals. I'm sure it was my blood glucose I just needed something to eat to bring my sugar up. I was given some orange juice and I started to feel better and asked to leave. When I was cleared Kendra grabbed our things and we slipped out while Dave was doing an after-game press conference. He stayed as long as he could while they checked on me just observing silently with a worried look. I urged him to go finish the game and I could tell he didn't want to without making sure I was okay. When he left a slender woman walked up to me and introduced herself as his mother.

Hoe to Housewife: Dave and WynterWhere stories live. Discover now