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Fuck! She slipped out on me. I didn't even get her phone .......Before I went to bed last night I took some shots downstairs. She is doing something to me that I can't explain. If she thinks her ass getting away from me, she got another thing coming I meant what I said last night she's mine. First, I have to find her. I called my Pops he's the smartest man I know.

"Hey son."

"Hey Pops I'm trying to locate a friend the only thing I know about her is that she's an attorney"

"That's easy check with the State of TN Bar Association if she's a licensed attorney she should have a bar number and her contact information should be listed with it."

I didn't even think of that maybe if I was thinking clearly I would've but she got my head all fucked up. I abruptly ended the call with my Pops to look her up. I searched the bar associations database. I couldn't find her. What in the hell?

Later that evening I met up with my boys. Terrell and Tyler are twins and also just happen to be my best friends. I knew if I could talk to anyone it would be them.  We had a few drinks and watched the ball games that were on tonight. I had to keep tabs on the Celtics they are the biggest threat to my team not making the playoffs. We're tied but only one of us can take the division title.

"Ay, I'm looking for someone by the name of Winter. I know she's an attorney but she's not showing up in the bar associations database."

"How are you spelling her name" Terrell replied.

"The same way you spell the season W-I-N-T-E-R"

"That's the issue" Tyler interjected. "She probably spells it differently you know black people have to get creative even with the simplest shit."


I googled the different ways Winter could be spelled, and there weren't many.

The one variation that stood out to me the most replaced the "I" with a "Y" in her name.

I searched the bar associations database again under that spelling.


I emailed my secretary and instructed her that if any man named Dave calls tell him that I'm no longer in that office. This negro must think I'm dumb I knew I shouldn't have told him that I am an attorney. I divulged too much. Imagine that just telling my occupation was more than I felt any man should know. That's mostly because my relationships rarely go past the bedroom. With the exception of Sebastian's dry ass, I've never really been in a committed relationship. I knew my occupation would be the quickest way for Dave to track me down. I have to show the young bull that I'm not new to this I'm true to this.

After I sent the email, I checked my makeup in my car mirror before heading inside of church. I sat next to Kendra just as Pastor Quinn's fine ass was heading to the pulpit. The sermon was about perseverance something that I know way too much about due to my troubled childhood. I had great parents but I had some not-so-great childhood experiences growing up. The first of those was being bullied. I learned to fight back without using my hands. I used my words. That's why I'm the real-life Olivia Pope in a courtroom.

Over the years I've built a fortress around my emotions which is why I rarely show them. I do have feelings but I learned early on showing them was detrimental. I've practiced being poised so much that I've perfected it and that's why I'm so successful as an attorney.

After service Pastor Quinn stopped Kendra and I.

"Ladies, would you all be interested in mentoring some teenage girls in the neighborhood?"

"I'd love to Pastor Quinn but my schedule is pretty tight right now" I replied.

"I'm all in" a blushing Kendra said. I rolled my eyes and laughed to myself we have both talked about how fine his ass is. Too bad he's very married.

"Sister Hamm come to my study let's see if we can find another way for you to be involved without devoting too much of your time". I smirked on the inside and followed my happy ass to his study.

When I entered the study Pastor Quinn asked me to lock the door behind myself and I did. He took off his robe and sat down. As he talked, I stared into his pretty grey eyes.

"Sister Hamm, Sister Hamm are you listening?" he said.

I popped out of my trance and said "Uh yes, I'm listening. Sorry about that"

"You are very talented you know that but we have to find a way for you to use those talents to enhance the community around you."

"Pastor Quinn with all due respect I do several scholarships and give generously to many organizations what more do you want me to do?"

"I just think there's more that you can do outside of monetary donations. That's all."

Pastor Quinn
I watched Sister Hamm as she walked back in forth in my study. She's a beautiful woman. I wondered out loud why she was single in front of a deacon a couple of Sundays ago and he stated that she was loose. I can't see it though if she is, she's damn good at hiding it. It was at that moment that the tables turned and she was now pulling me out of my trance.

"Pastor Quinn are you listening to me?"

"Yes, Sister Hamm I'm legs I mean listening to you."

I knew it. He was looking at my legs like he wanted to lick them himself. I walked towards Pastor Quinn and got behind him and rubbed his shoulders. Surprisingly he obliged. When I turned him to face me his hands grabbed the side zipper of my skirt and he pulled it down past my hips. I stood in front of him in my black garter belt and stockings I unbuttoned my blouse and watched it fall to the floor pooling around my legs. Pastor Quinn inhaled sharply and stood up. He unhooked my front bra clasp and then abruptly picked me up and placed me on his hardwood desk.

The head of his erection bulged against his expensive suit pants. I undid his designer belt but slowed when it started to clank against my bracelets....I didn't want to make too much noise they were counting money in the adjacent room.  After undoing his belt, I unzipped his pants quickly and his dick sprang free. I grabbed his erection and stroked it surprised at how thick it was.

Pastor Quinn moaned he said "we can't" I shushed him with a quick kiss and continued to stroke his dick. After that statement I looked into his eyes for any signs of disapproval and saw none only pleasure. I slowly licked his neck and then nibbled on his earlobe. At that moment he shivered and said "what about my wife" I shushed him again and kept stroking his dick. I felt his dick twitch and I knew he was ready. I took the small amount of precum that pooled at the tip of my fingers from my strokes and lubricated his dick with it. "Do you have a condom?'" he asked. I instantly jumped off the desk and rummaged through my purse for a condom.

When I returned to him, I slipped the condom's ring over the head of his dick. He was so thick I could barely fit the fucking condom on him. I hopped back on the desk and he parted my thighs positioning himself at my entrance. In one swift stroke he was inside me. He didn't start pumping right away because I had to adjust to how thick his big dick was. After a few seconds he started to slam into me. I took my hands and placed them around his neck and choked him intermittently to heighten his pleasure. After several delicious strokes I heard him groan and I whimpered. The more he worked inside of me the wetter I became. It was like knowing what I was doing was so wrong made me wetter. At that moment I exploded and I felt his hot semen fill the condom inside of me up.

He steadied himself before sliding out of me. We barely looked at each other. I headed to his study bathroom and cleaned myself as best as I could before rushing out of his study and out of that damn church. I push started my SUV and once I got inside, I silently vowed to never tell a soul what I had just done. What the fuck did I just do???

On the drive home I decided to have a light fish dinner and then head to the gym. It's exactly what I need to clear my head.

Hoe to Housewife: Dave and WynterWhere stories live. Discover now