I Said NO!

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On a cold, dark, evening,
I heard footsteps coming.
A family member in form of a stranger,
But a stranger in form of a family member.
I tried to run,
But his slap was hotter than the sun.
I resisted against his grip,
And let out a screeching weep.
That wasn't enough:
I jerked off, for he was stronger and rough
As I struggled and pulled away,
He threatened I wouldn't see another day.
His words so terrible,
Making me wonder the cause for this trouble.
And that wasn't enough.

It's been years... I thought I would heal,
But the scars are all I feel.
I hear people say, 'the past heals with time,'
Well, that isn't true.
No one gave a dime,
The only ones that cared were few.
And till today, I still have to remind myself that life is meant to be enjoyed.
And maybe I deserve happiness too, without my emotions being toyed.
Forgetting about it, I feel destroyed.
And when people joke about rape and abuse,
I wonder if they never knew people who have been through it.
Or have they been as silent as me?

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