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MUMBAI , Evening 5.00 pm( 20 years back)
A 12 year old boy was buying balloons for his lil sister Anu ,who was waving her hands at him through the car glass , giggling , jumping & clapping. Totally restless to gather those balloons from her Ani bhaiya who was at the opposite end of the road.
''oh Anand only ur son can handle ur daughter, look what all circus she's doing to get those balloons, u & Ani literally spoiled her. she is already 5 & increasing her mischievous daily.'' A fed up shobhba uttered to her husband who was lost in his thoughts. A kind of restlessness & tension clearly visible in his face.
'Shobhba call Ani quickly, we need to reach home faster'' A kind of fear clearly visible in his voice like foreseeing an upcoming making Shobhba gasp.
Before Shobhba starts calling ,Ani started crossing the road towards the car , no ,towards his World ,teasing his sister with balloons in one hand & icecream in other hands while she making cute expression & he was chuckling internally.
Suddenly a loud bang from nowhere , a big fire splash in front of his eyes & a huge punching force throwing him backwards.Those balloons & icecream scattered on the road with blood shed of his loved ones .It all happened in mere seconds & it was when the loud screams of his parents & painful shriek of his lil sister registered his brain..

DELHI , morning:6.00 am( present)

Anirudh ghosh was sweating profusely & murmuring in sleep, suddenly jerked off from the sleep

''Anu....maa , baba...don't leave me''
He was breathing heavily. It was 20 years after that incident , in these years he never had a single peaceful day or a soothing sleep..if he slept then haunted with the glimpses of that bomb blast which snatched his whole world away from, which made him live an abandoned & unloved life without a family's care & affection.
But today it was like once again experiencing those obtund incidents.
Suddenly the alarm rang breaking his trance. He switched it off & took his family's group photograph from the wallet..Indeed a Perfect happy world it was , Anirudh smiled teary eyed,
''Its been 20 years without u all still trying hard to cope this loneliness But today all those annoying memories are flooding after getting the order of returning to Mumbai . I don't know how iam gonna handle myself without getting drowned in the memories of my family. But iam not gonna back off bcz serving my nation's security & terminating the terrorism is my prime aim & the only reason I live this isolated life.. This is how iam paying justice to my loved ones souls..So now its my turn to refine our nation's urban centre from all attacks & threats''.
Anirudh said it with a strong unbeatabe determination keeping the pic back in his wallet.
''see you soon Mumbai'' Many things are yet to be completed there..

His missions are bigger & adventurous
But he never knew the same place where destiny abandoned him is gonna end his loneliness by gifting a very special person who will fill his heart once again with love & make his life colourful forever 💗💗

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