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''Rakshak babu, Atlast u came...!! asked a super happy bondita with a high energy now, still in his hold..Anirudh was deeply looking at her. The bulging nerves in his forehead relaxed & the vexation replaced by a tender smile hearing her addressing him RAKSHAK BABU.
Samanth raised his eyebrows at Krishna questioningly while Krishna stood there grinning , totally enjoying the cute banters of Bondita.
Sebastian was confused seeing the undeniable chemistry, exploring between his new client & the girl. A well alert Samanth was already seeing things going out of their plan & also noticed sebastian standing with a frown.He was trying a lot to draw Anirudh's attention who was still in a trance. ''Ahem...Ahem..Samanth deliberately made a coughing sound breaking Anirudh's trance.

Realising that they were standing in the same position for quite a long time , He abruptly took away his hands from Bondita ,making her pout & she more tightly held on to him clutching his shirt.One hand around his neck & other tightly clutching his shirt , Surprising Anirudh.

''Rakshak babu ..'' She again called him , tears welling up in her eyes, thinking he is gonna leave her. ''Don't leave me, or else this fearsome monster is gonna eat me'' She whispered so closely to Anirudh pointing sebastian. She was standing putting her whole weight on Anirudh .

''Rakshak babu ,Will you let anything bad happen to ur Bondita, No na..''

She mumbled & hid her face near the crook of his neck, making Anirudh simultaneously stumbled & sooth his heart with a serenity that he lacked all over his lonely life.But he was not ready to accept this fact ,that this girl is holding a strong effect on him.That name ,Bondita striked well in both his mind & heart.

'Bondita.. Bondita Bondita' He whispered back her name which is most familiar to him. That name filling his heart again with an unknown tranquility. Anirudh want to ignore all this , This new connections & feelings, He was not ready to embrace any of these.


I don't know, This is the first time iam having such a strange encounter & never in my life I felt such a strange connection with anyone. Its vain to drown myself in more thoughts.
Look at her , this girl is also behaving like she know me from a long time , I think, this is mutual.Who knows , it can b even due to her intoxication.
Yeah , these are my mere assumptions only.
She addressed herself Bondita, this name is very much familiar to me but Just like how she named me an epithet RAKSHAK BABU few seconds ago,I doubt weather its her real name or not, It would b better if I detail this later But why is she weeping now & I don't know how to console also.
I can see that scamp sebastian staring us with doubts & Samanth, Krishna stunned by this girl's, I mean, Bondita's proximity with me..But she is not sober & I can't put any force on her.

That's when sebastian started walking to me suspiciously with the spiked drink in his hands. I don't think , I can carry forward with this plan.Literally this man checked all the levels of my patience, not any more.
''you crazy girl, How dare you ran away from me,Nobody is gonna help you today ,If I eyed a girl,God himself can't do anything''.He boasted looking at Bondita wickedly. This was getting out of my hands.
Bondita hazily turned her face still holding on to me, to get scared seeing her monster, infact he is one.
She cupped my face & started complaining like a child ''Look at him Rakshak babu, He is threatening ur Bondita.Scold him ''she urged me.
How can someone be this cute even in such a grave situation.Even though she's drunk,I can say she is such an innocent soul.

Author's POV

That's when sebastian swiftly grabbed her hands separating her from Anirudh & was forcing the drink on her.Such a wrong move , It must b the biggest blunter in his life.
Anirudh fiercely grabbed the drink from sebastian, protectively made Bondita stand behind him& asked Krishna to hold the spiked drink . He lifted Sebastian  with one hand from his collar & gave a blowing punch on his face breaking his teeth & bleeding his nose. Anirudh was vigorously beating him giving no time to utter anything.
''Sir , enough he will die, we need him'' Krishna made him remember, Anirudh grabbed the spiked drink & made sebastian gulp it in one go.Sebastian was already off state due to the bone crushing punches from Anirudh.

''Samanth tie up him & halt him in the car'' ordered Anirudh, to which he obliged.

''heyyyyy..My Rakshak babu defeated the monster'' Bondita was jumping & clapping with bright smile & giggles. Anirudh, Samanth & Krishna were again admiring her antics in awe.. That's when she suddenly enhanced Anirudh in a tight hug again . But he didn't hold her ,as now he was very much self-conscious.

''Rakshak babu, u r the best, Bondita loves u a lot'' Saying this she cupped his face & kissed both his cheeks , then hid her face playfully into his broad chests.

Anirudh was left astonished with wide open mouth, it took a moment for him to register what happened. Samanth & Krishna started winking at each other super stunned , their eyes could come out anytime due to her sudden move with their Anirudh sir.

For the first time Anirudh was sweating in front of someone & was lil embarrassed of such an encounter in front of his juniors.

He suddenly separated from Bondita, while she was dizzily watching him with a grin .
''Tell me , where is your home, I will drop you'' asked Anirudh.
''I don't want to go home'' Tears welling up her eyes replacing that serene smile, twitching Anirudh's heart.


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