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The junior field officers samanth and Krishna were waiting for Mr.Anirudh Ghosh, who is their new senior field officer,with his mailed photo at the Mumbai Airport.  There they saw him approaching them ,carrying an illuminous aura & a very predominant enchanting personality reflecting from his appearance.
''Hi, Nice to meet u my new team, Iam Mr.Anirudh Ghosh & don't get astonished on how I recognised u fellows,simple, it's my nature to gather every information about my colleagues.'' Anirudh aprised them with a millimetre smirk.
They were dumbstruck for a while captivated by his aura & the simple casual looks which is different from their fellow officers. Anirudh was wearing simple pants & an inserted shirt rather than the formal suits.This man was clearly unique as well as perspicacious, which was very evident  from his powerful attitude. Shrugging the thoughts they greeted & welcomed him & asked for his bags.
''Don't bother,a single bag only. Where's my car?''.Anirudh asked graciously.
'Sir ,The black mercedes parked next & here's ur key'. Krishna replied handing over the key.
'so we will meet soon at head office'
Anirudh said entering the driving seat & royally drove to the head office.

'so we will meet soon at head office'Anirudh said entering the driving seat & royally drove to the head office

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This is the car given to all the senior field officers in RAW agency especially for all class A officials. It looks common from outside But it's a travelling army inside the car, consisting of military grade armor & completely bullet proof , unbreakable glasses & is capable of driving in harshest of heavy fire.
Moreover the driver's cabin includes a GPS tracking centre & a proper communication & video conference facility.


It looks like a Scott office from outside, Anirudh clicked a button in the Car and the gate opened , then with another click the front egress door opened wider and he parked the car inside ,with his I'd proof through access control ,the lift opened taking him to the main working branch.

He showed his I'd proof & introduced  himself to the attache at the entrance poll. Her name is Miss. Deepika & she welcomed their new team leader  respectfully & surprisingly at the same time.''oh ,Ghosh sir it's you..!!, it's my honor to meet u & now work with you sir.we all were waiting for you sir, heard a lot abt ur victorious pursuits & bravery." She was liltile nervous  seeing her crush cum  idol standing in front , Anirudh  Ghosh is the most renowned name in the agency , who never failed in any mission, accepted by everyone as the most efficient officer .
Anirudh gently smiled at her breaking her trance of thoughts because these prizes were very frequent in his 10 years of triumphant service in the agency .They made a handshake and she advanced him to the director's cabin.

At Director satyamoorthy's Cabin

May we come in sir , Deepika requested standing at the doorway of SatyaMoorthy's Cabin.  Satyamoorthy is basically from Tamil Nadu & he is almost 52 . Anirudh Ghosh & satyamoorthy are well familiar to each other as they worked together in Mission Arunachal pradesh which was very risky & under their coordination the whole team smartly failed the Chinese armed forces & their tactics.
This was before 5 years & they bonded well then ,so it was satyamoorthy who suggested to bring Anirudh into Bombay for refining the city from underworld link ups & terrorists.

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