3. Wicked Games

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''Tonight spike the drink & the only concern is that girl must be beautiful enough to satisfy our masters'' Sebastian, the most trustworthy mediator of black groups uttered making a deal of tempting commission with the manager of estuaries night club.

Unknown to the disgusting contracts happening in the Background, people were celebrating forgetting themselves under intoxication & swaying in rhythm of music droping the World outside, leaving tensions & burdens behind.

A girl in her early 20s with alluring beauty entered the club all alone with a grumpy attitude ,The fire in her eyes can burn anyone that moment, she carelessly sat on the counter at the front bar ordering 4 shots of vodka making the waiter gasp. This was her first time trying alcohol & that too for compensating certain obvious frustration or disappointment with family. She tried the first shot very difficulty,wishing to puke it off but the burning sensation of the bitter drink was giving peace & sanity to her downcasted restless mind.
''hey Bondita, what a surprise? can't believe my eyes ,u drinks too..!!''  mahir bellowed from nowhere suddenly, a play boy cum Bondita's classmate who always have had an eye on her but she never gave any damn attention. He thought this is a chance to come close to her & called her for a dance.

By the time Bondita was getting hazy &  ordered for another set of vodka shocking mahir..Like always today also Mahir was Royally ignored & he sadly left from there with his usual club partner disheartened.
Bondita rolled her eyes at his retreating figure & muttered '' Useless Idiot''.
The alcohol have completely intoxicated her & a pleasure deavouring her heart.


This is when the manager's hunting eyes for a perfect prey landed on the hot young girl sitting blindly drunk at the counter

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This is when the manager's hunting eyes for a perfect prey landed on the hot young girl sitting blindly drunk at the counter. Making sure she is alone, he smiled evilly & approached sebastian who was waiting for his clients for drug exchange.

''I'm waiting for last half an hour ,I'm not practiced to wait for anyone but as u offered a triple sum money,iam holding up. Remember,bring only ready cash''. sebastian speaking in a phone call with his clients.
The clients were no one else But  Anirudh & team.This was a bait deal to  catch  the butcher sebastian.
''sebastian, we are at the entrance , First of all come & lets make some cheers for our new start''. Anirudh said from the other end & he successfully convinced sebastian that they are  new golden fishes in his drug business.

Sebastian didn't even have a tinch of doubt. That's when the manager informed him about their tonight's prey & showed her from a distance . Sebastian's happiness grew no bound as he got double lottery in a single night. He himself was going weak on his knees seeing the bewitching beauty of Bondita who was sitting hazily aberrant to the happenings around the club & lil bit irritated with the lights flashing in her eyes.
''uffffff,, damn hot man,, How will I control until I take her to the destination.''Whispered sebastian lustily.
''Just think about the prize u r gonna get for this epitome beauty & that will get u in control'' replied the manager with a smirk.
' Right , Right , oh God , I was completely drawn into her forgetting my clients, First of all let me handle them '' and saying this sebastian rushed to the entrance for his clients.
There they entered, Anirudh & team, hearing sebastian uttering the secret code 'SOS ' to identify his clients as informed before...Anirudh nodded at Samanth & Krishna confirming that the man with beard at entrance is sebastian..

They met & Anirudh cleverly advanced him to the table to indulge in a conversation & that was when the manager again approached sebastian muttering something in his ears making Anirudh suspicious. Both the criminals were looking at the opposite direction & wickedly smirking.  That's when Anirudh's attention reached the halfly fainted girl.Her backside was facing him...
Anirudh clearly understood from the gestures of manager & sebastian that this girl is surely gonna be their target.


Anirudh & Bondita First meeting  💗

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