4. Unknown Connections

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''leave me , I said leave,U woman where r u taking me?'' Bondita squeaked at the bar dancer Clara who was taking her to sebastian's car parked at the backyard.
Hearing this, Anirudh & team who were enacting the fake deal with sebastian turned around. Bondita was dragged to the car by clara when the fake deal was just on.
That was when, for the first time, he met her hazy intoxicated eyes, quivering lips, weak body looking divinely innocent in the only moonlight at the backyard. This was the same girl whom he noticed before,inside the club But face was not visible. From then ,seeing both the scoundrels badly eyeing on her, unknowingly his heart was worried about her safety. Anirudh Ghosh can tolerate anything but not someone disrespecting a woman. Anirudh Ghosh , The most calm & composed man in every extreme situation ,was losing his composure for the first time seeing a random girl's helplessness. But why? He was questioning himself. 

Anirudh's POV
I know her , I know her very well, Her face is very much familiar But who is she, Why can't I exactly remember anything.But How dare these scoundrels trap her like this?? Iam not gonna spare that manager too ..
Anirudh was feeling a rush of emotions
He was getting so restless, tension & concern clearly visible in his face. He couldn't take his eyes off from her face But not because of her bewitching beauty but some invisible string captivating him towards her with an unknown connection.

Bondita was completely fit that she can barely walk But became very conscious , that's why she was taking all her possible efforts to let go from Clara's hòld & even in this half-off state she sensed their intention was wrong.
Bondita could  blurly see some men standing not so far.
''Pls leave me , let me go , pls,... she was struggling in Clara's hold , her eyes brimming with tears.
''Kanha ji help me , I never wanted anyone's bad , then why all are trying to harm me'' She said struggling & weeping making Anirudh clutch his fists tight & eyes shut .Her tears boiling   his blood.That was when Clara lost her patience, ''U bitch , How many times I told u to shut ur bloody mouth'' & strongly grabbed her hairs making her squeal in pain. If Bondita was in her sober form, clara would have been knocked down already.
Now Anirudh was totally losing it, He was standing like a volcano which can explode anytime...
''Clara I asked u to make her faint, someone may come hearing her screams '' Told an impatient sebastian earning a death glare from Anirudh. Sebastian was feeling weird seeing Anirudh's  angry gestures. Why would his new client be so much concerned  for a random girl??  May b he's also very much bewitched by her beauty, thought a confused sebastian. Even Samanth & Krishna were getting scared & restless seeing Anirudh's losing temper.
Anirudh's plan was to give the money to Sebastian & track his location to find out the fox hole of the black group & to catch its leader. But he never knew sebastian is gonna abduct an innocent girl for satisfying those scavenging vultures. Anirudh was damn sure that he will not let even a scratch happen to her , not bcz of the connection he felt, But he would have helped & protected whoever in such a situation, That's how he has been. But he is controlling constantly as a single impulsive move from him can drown their whole plan to seize the menace group.
Sebastian unknown to the fire he was playing with , approached Bondita evilly, spiking a drink that too in front of Anirudh. Samanth & Krishna gulping down seeing the bulging veins appearing in Anirudh's forehead ready to burst anytime.
''See sebastian, I was just asked to bring her here, Now u do whatever u wanna do with her , Iam going, she's too stubborn to handle. Gonna have a difficult time if u don't make her completely unconscious soon.'' Saying this clara left her hold on Bondita & Suddenly Bondita was happy & hazily smiling thinking she's saved from the monstrous. But she was not able to stand properly.Bondita was trying to keep her eyes open and she blurly saw, this time another wicked monster coming to her which is sebastian.Even  now Bondita didn't see Anirudh clearly. She was seeing nearer things magnified & far things blurred now , '' save me someone, save me... This ugly monster is gonna attack me ,she screamed like a lil adorable child making Samanth & Krishna chuckle at her cuteness but they controlled seeing a fuming furious Anirudh.
''Kanha ji pls save me once more, just like u saved me from that witch or If u r buzy pls send a RAKSHAK Babu for me''.  Again she started weeping at the magnified image of sebastian, effect of alcohol. Sebastian was luring her top to bottom lustily. This was noticed by all three of them, Anirudh, samanth & Krishna. Samanth & Krishna again gulped down noticing  some more rise in Anirudh's anger.
When sebastian came too near to Bondita, she just pushed him and ran some steps forward making her lose the balance & fall down But she didn't fell down , Anirudh strongly caught hold off her by her waist.. She's trying hard to keep eyes open & when she did, their eyes met again. Anirudh relaxed a bit & was again plowed in the thoughts of , why she is so familiar to him, holding her in his strong arms , he was busy in his thoughts about her.
Bondita's tired eyes were now not closing after meeting his eyes. she was lost in him. Atlast she found the solace she was searching for. She was calm now , relaxed & most happy.
'' Rakshak babu...'' she called Anirudh smiling widely at him just like an  adorable kid, making Anirudh look at the girl in his hands with awe.


''Tell me where is ur home , I will drop u''. told Anirudh.
''I don't wanna go home''. uttered Bondita gently weeping.

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