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Natasha Romanoff walked around the building and headed to her old apartment.The redhead  grabbed a gun she hid in the wall.She put the gun in the back of her waist just to be sure.She ended up in front of the doors of the apartment.She used her pin to unlock the door.While she was unlocking the door she heard a voice of a woman she once called a sister."I know you're out there."

"I know you know I'm out there."Natasha responded.She opened the door."Then why are you sulking about like its a minefield?"the blonde woman asked."Cause I didn't know if I could trust you."Natasha spoke."Funny.I was going to say the same thing."Natasha could hear Yelena's Russian accent."So are we gonna talk like grownups?"The two sisters face each others.This is a first time after years the sisters are facing each other yet one sister is pointing a gun at her sister."Is that what we are ?"Yelena responded.Natasha walked towards Yelena while the Belova girl walked backwards at the same time."Put it down before I make you."Yelena had a gun in her hand which was pointed at her older sister."You put yours down."The two of them faced the other.Guns in their hands.They started fighting. Yelena slams Natasha into a wall.Natasha grabs a hold of Yelena and slams her into a cabinet."Stay down!"The red head woman said to her younger sister as she was holding her head.The blonde woman let out a scream and breaks a plate on the older woman's head.

Alina was sleeping in her comfortable bed.The young girl woke up when she heard a scream.She quickly grabbed her dagger and went to find out what was happening.When she stepped out of her room she saw her aunt fighting a red haired woman.Alina recognized the hair.It was her mother.The girl decided to wait and continued watch the sister fight.She knew they wouldn't actually kill each others-well she hoped.Honestly this was amusing to watch.

Yelena grabbed a knife.As the blonde woman was approaching Natasha,the red head shook her head and grabbed the nearest thing she could find to defend herself against a knife.They fought.Yelena slams her sister against a wall.Natasha grabbed a curtain and wraps it around the blonde's neck.Then they choke each other.After a while Natasha noticed her sister was breathing heavily and her face was getting redder she removed the curtain from her sister's neck and went to say truce but her eyes widen when a dagger was thrown next to her.The woman picked up the dagger.Her eyes searched the person who threw it at her.When she spotted the young girl leaning against a door,wearing a pajamas?

Natasha froze.How could she react when the child she thought was dead was right in front of her.For years she though her daughter was dead.And here she was.Alive.She had changed since the last time she saw her.Obviously.The woman observed the younger girls face.Her hair was the same shade as the woman's.Her eyes were the same color as her.Basically the young girl looked like a younger version of Natasha Romanoff.

✔︎𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐃𝐎𝐖-𝑩𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝑾𝒊𝒅𝒐𝒘 𝑴𝒐𝒗𝒊𝒆Where stories live. Discover now