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After a quite adventure,which involved breaking into high security prison and getting Alexei out of there,you could say Alina had enough dangerous adventures for at least a few minutes.She knew that at the end of the day,they would have to face some biggest threats.She and her mom-who was dragging Alexei to the helicopter. got to the helicopter safely.The girl wondered how the woman had managed to keep a hold of the man all the way up there while they were trying,not to get killed by an avalanche.So after getting on the helicopter,Alina went to rest while her mom went to help Yelena.

The three of them were completely ignoring Alexei,who yelled:Farewell douchebags in Russian before slamming the door behind him."Oh that was exciting."he said to them as if he was talking to an old friend."Oh I'm so proud of you girls.And another girl who's name I don't know,who oddly looks like Natasha."Alina had no intention to respond to him,so she simply just waved at him and then continued to ignore him like every other person in the helicopter.

"Oh.You can't hear me."he said as he looked at the three people,each of them had a headset on so they would't have to deal with him and the two woman were still mad at him for letting them being taken.

He grabbed another headset,laughing still not noticing the obvious tension around him.In the next seconds he got punched by his youngest daughter,who didn't think twice before doing it.The blonde woman didn't even looked at him at first.Alina chuckled at her actions  and smiled at the woman.Natasha had a smirk on her face but the Black Widow didn't show it.

"Why the aggression,huh?Is it your time of the month?"Alina facepalmed at this statement.Was this guy really that stupid?

"I don't get my period,dipshit.I don't have a uterus."the blonde responded with an annoyed look.

"Or ovaries."both Alina and Natasha spoke at the same time,slightly scaring the other two.

"Yeah.That's what happens when the Red Room gives you an involuntary hysterectomy.They kinda just go in and then they rip out all of your reproductive organs."she makes a gesture with her hands while the man had a disgusted look on his face.

"They just get right in there and there and they chop them all away."she made a chopping movements while explaining the whole Graduation Ceremony.Thinking about what actually happened was traumatizing but hearing about it in the funny was kinda better.

"Everything out,so you can't have babies."

By the time she stopped explaining,Alexei had a disgusted and traumatized look.

"Okay!Okay!Okay!You don't have to get so clinical and nasty."Alexi said with a pleading voice.He did not want to hear this conversation.

"Oh,well,I was gonna talk about fallopian tubes,but okay."

Both Romanoff girls had smirks on their faces but unlike Alina,Natasha didn't show it.

There was a silence.For a couple of moments,Alexi decided to keep talking."It means so much to me you came back to me."

"No.No.You're gonna tell us how to get to the Red Room."Natasha shacked her head.She was tired of his bullshit as were her sister and daughter.All the red haired woman wanted to do was to get this over  and destroy the Red Room.She also planned to get to know her daughter who she thought was dead.

"Huh.Whoa,look at you,huh?All funny business."

"Trust me.This isn't a pleasure."

"Little Natasha.All indoctrinated into western agenda."

✔︎𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐃𝐎𝐖-𝑩𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝑾𝒊𝒅𝒐𝒘 𝑴𝒐𝒗𝒊𝒆Where stories live. Discover now