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"I thought about helping you but it seems that you can take care of your self."Yelena Belova smiled at her niece."But we have to go."The blonde added."Yeah,we should.Where are we going?"

Alina fell from a vent,landing perfectly on her two feet while Yelena fell from the vent,landing in the Black Widow pose."Poser!"Alina pointed at her aunt.The blonde haired woman stayed in the pose for a few moments before she quickly got up,shuddering."That was disgusting."Alina chuckled at her aunt's comment.

The duo walked around before they spotted two guards.The two girls nodded at themselves going to take down the guards.While Yelena took down one guard,Alina went for the other one.The girl ran to the man and wrapped her legs around the man's neck,bringing him to the ground.When the guard was down,Alina punched him in the face making the guard loose his      consciousness. Yelena grabbed the guard's hand to scan on the scanner.

Alina and Yelena searched for the antidotes.Eventually they found them."Melina I found the location on the vials"Yelena informed the woman."I've had a slight setback.You need to get to the Widows."

After a while Melina spoke to Yelena again,through her earpiece."Yelena and Alina if you're there.There is a slight change of plan.I completely demolished on of the engines and we are going into  controlled crash."

"Fantastic."Yelena replied as she and Alina were running through the hallways."We're heading to the Widows now."They found a training room,expecting the Widows to be there but to their surprise no one was there.

"Shit."Alina muttered.

The blonde haired woman grabbed a grenade and wrapped the vials around the base of it so they could easier free the Widows from the mind control.Then the two of them ran from the training room to find the Widows.


At Dreykov's office,Natasha Romanoff slammed her nose against the table now free from the pheromonal lock meaning she was able to hurt the man in front of her now.Dreykov hit the alarm bottom at his table .The Black Widow seized his wrist and punched him,making him fall to the ground."Not so talkative now,are you?"She kicked him again."You took my childhood,my daughter's childhood.But you're never going to do that to anyone ever again."Dreykov looked at the red haired woman and said."Your daughter as you call her is nothing but my weapon.That's the only reason of her whole existence as I told you fourteen years ago,surely you remember that?"Those words angered Natasha even more so she punched the man even harder.

Suddenly the Widows came to  the office,preventing Natasha from killing the man."Make her suffer."Dreykov ordered to the Widows before walking away.For the next minutes there was a huge fight.She managed to fight the Widows but it turned out to be hard when there was to many of them.Plus,Natasha was slightly holding back,not wanting to hurt those mind controlled Widows.After a while,Natasha started loosing.The Widows kicked her,punched her and one of them even had her in a chokehold meaning the heroine was unable the fight back.

Then a red light was seen in the office.The red vials freed the Widows that were fighting the Black Widow.Two people entered the office.Yelena Belova and Alina Romanova.Both of them looked at the redhead,worried for their sister/mother."Mom are you okay?"Alina questioned her mother."That looks like it hurts."Yelena added."Okay.I take out on three,ready?"The blonde took out the knife making her older sister cry out in pain."I'm sorry."

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