𝙁𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙮 𝙧𝙚𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙤𝙣

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Melina Vostokoff was outside.She was living in a far away from people.She was looking after her pigs when she heard an alarm go off on her table.She quickly sent her pigs away just in case there was any danger.

The woman grabbed a riffle and looked for the people.She saw four people.One one them was Alexei Shostakov her husband.Kind of.Next were two young women.Yelena and Natasha.The last person was a girl.The girl was a teen.Provably fourteen.She was holding Natasha's hand while walking besides her.Melina recognized the youngest girl.How could she not?She was an exact replica of her mother.In fact,Melina met the girl in person a couple of  times.Some were not very pleasant.

"Honey,we're home."the man said as they got to the house.Melina didn't show them any kind of reaction instead she just went to the house.

"Come on girls"Alexei mentiones for Natasha,Yelena and Alina to follow then to the house.

"Welcome to my humble house.Make yourself at home."Is the first things the woman said to them.

Alina looked around the house.She had to admit that at the first sight it doesn't look like a home for an assassin.

"Lets have a drink." she went to put away her weapon with Natasha following her.

"Hey,no funny buisness."

"I am putting away my weapon."Melina assured her.

They walked to the dinner table.
"Are any booby traps around here? Anything we need to know about?"Natasha questioned Melina.

"I didn't raise my girls to fall in traps."Melina replied.

"You didn't raise us at all."

"Maybe so.But if you got soft,it wasn't on my watch.

The four of them sat at the table.It was kinda akward since they all could hear grunts from the bathroom.

"Let's drink."Melina broke the akward silence and started to pour the girls some vodka.
"I don't think I should be drinking when I'm fourteen."Alina said kindly to Melina when the woman gave her a  cup with alcohol.
"Oh,right."she muttered and gave her a juice instead.

After a few minuted Alexei showed up wearing some weird costume which Alina thought was the red guardian suit.

"Still fits."he said proudly.
"I never washed it once." Melina informed him once he sat down."Come and drink."

"Rise,you workers of salvation.Family back together again."


"Seeing as our family construct was just a calculated ruse that only lasted three years,I don't think that we can use this term anymore,can we?"Melina asked.
Here comes the drama,Alina thought.

"Agreed.So,here's what's gonna happen.."

"Okay.A reunion,then,huh?"Alexei cuts her off.

"And,uh..I want to say something right off the bat.You haven't aged a day,huh?You're just as beautiful and as supple as the day they staged our marriage."He said to Melina.

Yelena,Natasha and Alina exchanged a glance.None of them wanted to hear that conversation and all three of them looked like they wanted to be somewhere else.

"You got fat.But still good."Melina smiled at him.

After hearing something Alina really didn't want to hear she went to took a sip of her juice but then she realized she accidentally drank the vodka Melina originally gave her.The girl had a disgusted look on her face when she drank it.

"Please don't do that.So here's what's gonna happen."Natasha said.

"Natasha,don't slouch."Melina scolded her.She looked down at her posture and corrected it.

"You're going to get a back hunch."Melina told her.

"Listen to your mother."Alexei told Natasha.

"Oh,my god."she complained."This..."

"All right,enough.All of you!"She looked at every person in the room.

"We didn't say anything.That's not fair."Yelena protested.

This is going to take a while.Alina thought.



Hello my lovely readers!
I'm sorry that this update took so longs and this chapter is a bit short but I hope I can finish writing this book soon
I heard about what's happening in Ukraine.I really hope nothing bad is going to happen and  hope there will be no war.It's a bit stupid to have a war in the 21.century.
Stay Safe.

Stay Safe

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