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Harley's pov

I smiled as she ran out of the door, she's so ambitious. I really don't deserve a woman like that... but I have her.

I made my way to the bathroom for a shower, turning on the water and letting it run until the room was glittering with steam. I didn't like to see myself in the mirror naked anymore. I wiped the mirror above the sink with my hand, revealing my blurry portrait. I sighed, "What does y/n see in me? I don't get it..."

"Maybe she wouldn't hate you if you were honest with her... come on... the dyed wig, makeup to cover your scars, everything is all a mirage. You're leading her astray. Maybe one day... she'll know the real you, Harley..."

"Get out of my head, Mr. J!!" I groaned loudly, "You'll ruin everything!"

"You think lying to her is the best option?! Really?!" The Joker sneered, "if you really loved her, you'd let Kristy go... show her who Harley is for real..."

I let a few tears fall from my eyes, "Maybe you're right about some things but she wouldn't love Harley... she loves Kristy..." I began to sob, taking off my clothes and getting into the boiling hot shower, "She... wouldn't love me...for me... she loves Kristy..."

"Right... because everyone LOVES a catfish, Harley!" The Joker laughed and gawked.

"Just leave me alone!" I yelled as I slid down the back of the shower into a ball. I put my head in between my knees and sobbed.

Your pov

You sat in the cafeteria of the school, you usually sat outside but it was a bit nippy today so you decided inside is where you'd be today.

'I hope she's okay for the day, I miss her already...'  you thought to yourself and sighed sadly.

"Hey!... HEY!!"

You jumped as you didn't hear your colleague yelling at you. It was his way of trying to get your attention.

"You alright? Your head seems to be elsewhere today," He said calmly with a small chuckle, "as I was trying to say.. I think your students have noticed a difference in you these last few weeks."

"You think so?" You asked with a small smile, "What differences?"

"You seem a lot more cheerful and happy. There's what you would call a 'small skip in your step' per-say." He smiled back at you.

"Say... Richard... why do you think that is?" You asked.

"If I knew any better, I'd say you were in love.~"

"Oh... that might be the case..." you smirked.

"So... who's the lucky guy?"

"Lucky girl," you corrected, "her name's Kristy.."

Richard gasped, "Y/n! You little drag you!" He nudged you with his arm, "I didn't know you swung both ways~"

"I am a lover of people, not their genitals."

"So you're pansexual?" Richard asked.

"Yeah... I guess so."

"Also, I have to say... your vermillion scarf is so cute!" Richard grabbed at the soft material around your neck.

You laughed, "Isn't it so cute! My cousin, Bruce, got it for me a few years ago."

"Well, I'll see you later, my class starts in a few minutes, "later, bitch."

"Bye, Dickie!!" You called out after him.

You were by yourself now, leaving you with your thoughts. Your class wasn't for another 20 minutes so you had some time to ponder.

Kristy's pov

"I still have a few hours until Y/n gets home... pull yourself together. Her meltdown won't affect our day!" I smiled and put my lipstick to my lips, filling in the pink skin with a shade of deep red, "I better start prepping lunch for us."

Kristy went into the kitchen after finishing her makeup and flung open the fridge... empty...

"Guess I'm going grocery shopping...." Kristy said, closing the fridge, "Maybe some parm chicken with asparagus and baked potatoes? She'd like that I think."

I flung on my coat and scarf and headed out, making sure to grab the spare key off the table before I left. Locking the front door, I made my way out of the apartment building and down the street to the store.

I briskly went down the isles grabbing everything I needed. Done in almost 10 minutes, "Okay... I think I got everything I need. Chicken breasts, check. Asparagus, check. Parmesan cheese, check. Potatoes, check. Yep! That's everything."

I quickly went and checked out and proceeded back home. I quickly flung off my coat and scarf, putting them back where I kept them in the closet, rolled up my sleeves and went back to the kitchen. I filleted the chicken, put the potatoes in the oven with a brilliantly seasoned butter sauce over the top, and cleaned the asparagus.

By the time I got everything prepared for my darling, Y/n, I heard the door unlock. And there she was with... a man?!

Your pov

Richard and I made our way into the apartment, laughing at the joke the joke that I said, "and he said 'and if I find a noodle on her, I won't pay for it either!!'"

Kristy was there in the kitchen when Richard and I walked in, "Hey, baby!" I yelled and ran in to the kitchen to give her a hug but she blocked me, "babe??"

"Who is that?" She said, sounding slightly frustrated.

"Oh! That's Richard... Dickie Doo as I call him." I smiled, "Why won't you love on meee?" I whined and gave her my best puppy eyes, "Did I do something wrong?"

Kristy got red in the face and pulled you into a tight hug, "No, you didn't do anything wrong..."

"Then what's wrong?"

Kristy hesitated and after a while spoke softly, "I don't think I bought enough asparagus for three... I only got two bundles.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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