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"You're a what?" The girl cocked her head to the side.

"Teacher..." you spoke softly, unable to unglue your eyes from the girl before you.

She was slender and had somewhat of a coke bottle figure, which honestly wasn't a big deal but anyone could tell she worked out. Her hair was brown with light red highlights placed perfectly on top of her head, her eyes were a sea-foam green with a hint of grey in all of the perfect places. She wore a cute spring outfit, it was rather a rather young look but it suited her well.

"You're a teacher!? Wow! What do you teach?" She squealed excitedly

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"You're a teacher!? Wow! What do you teach?" She squealed excitedly.

You were flustered and for a long time, words wouldn't come to your mouth. Eventually you came up with a sentence, "I teach Chemistry at a nearby university..."

"That is so cool! I do a bit of serious work myself," she giggled, "Oh! I'm Kristy, by the way... Kristy Banks." She quickly stuck out her hand.

"F/n Wayne..." you nervously held out your hand and gently shook her hand, "Oh... did you need something?"

The girl paused for a moment, almost shocked you had asked the question, "Well, you seemed frustrated and well, as a professional counselor, I feel the need to help those even if they aren't in my office. Maybe just even have a nice conversation?" She smiled.

Her smile... wow

"May I... sit here with you?" She cocked her head and smiled sweetly, almost like a child that really wants something but doesn't want to make it too obvious.

"Sure...?" You smiled and chuckled nervously, "yeah, go right ahead."

"Awesome! Thank you!" Kristy smiled and plopped down in the chair in front of you.

"So, you just wanted to talk to me?"

"Isn't that how you make friends? Talk? Get to know one another?" Kristy but her bottom lip, "So, you're a teacher? That's really cool, what's new with that?" She put her elbows on the table and rested her head gently upon her hands in intrigue.

"Well, I have many interesting and intelligent students but some of my students recently have started slacking and it's so obvious they aren't even trying." You sighed, "I wish I knew how to push them in the right direction."

"Kids are tough, I counseled a lot of teens and young adults in my days, the best way, I found was to give a reward system."

"What kind of rewards would I give to 20 year olds?" You chuckled.

"That's a good point..." she paused to think, "maybe you could let them out of class if all of them turn in their assignments- completed by a certain date?"

You thought about it for a moment, "yeah... yeah, that could work. I'll try it. Thanks."

The two of you talked for hours about your professions and hobbies, family and friends, your favorite movies and books.

The two of you were laughing when your phone began to ring.

"Hey, Kristy, you don't mind if I take this call do you?" You stood up with your phone in hand.

"Not at all."

The call was from Bruce, what could he want?

"Hello?" You spoke into the phone waiting for a response.

"Hey, where are you? I wanted to check in."

"I'm at Starbucks, why?"

"Well, since Harley has been so silent, I wanted to make sure you weren't dead."

"Thanks..." you turned to see Kristy smiling at you, "Listen, I have to go. I'll see you when I get home." You then hung up and sat back down in front of Kristy, "Sorry it took so long, Bruce is a real pain."

"Bruce?" She drew back, almost offended, "Your boyfriend?"

"No! God no!" You laughed, "He's my cousin."

"Oh... I see." She smiled.

"I've had so much fun talking to you, I feel like I can be myself around you." You smiled, "Who are you, Kristy Banks...?"

She smiled nervously, "I'm just a normal girl is a slightly above average world." She bit her lip and then pulled her phone from her pocket, "Can we... can we exchange numbers?"

"Of course."

We exchanged numbers and then went our separate ways.

Twice as Insane {Harley Quinn x Fem Reader}Where stories live. Discover now