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A/n: Yes, yes... I know. I've been gone for a very long time. I won't make excuses, I was busy and I had other things that were far more important at the time to do. However, after watching Birds of Prey on Valentine's Day, I have sprouted with more ideas and conflicts for the fan fiction!!


"Now strip for me," Kristy purred and smirked.

You blushed and bit your bottom lip anxiously, "How... How much should I take off?" You asked shyly.

"Down to your underwear, Y/n... Take it off, baby." Kristy sat down on the edge of the bed and watched you. Her eyes shimmering with lust as it scanned across your still fully dressed body.

"Okay..." You nodded and then slowly began to take off your shirt. You made sure to take your time with it just to make the moment last longer. The shirt caught under your bra as you pulled up, causing your breasts to bounce a little as the shirt was removed. You could see Kristy's eyes widen at the bounce in your chest...The way Kristy looked at you really began to turn you on.

"Now your pants, baby.~" Kristy hummed and licked her glossy lips.

"Yes, Mistress.." You chuckled softly as you threw your shirt into a random corner of the room.

This was when you decided to have some fun and try out your own seductive style. You smiled and gently ran your hands down your chest, over your breasts, down the length of your stomach, all the way to your belt loops. You bit your lip and reached slowly for your buttons, watching Kristy's every move like a hawk... she watched back with the same eagerness and lust as you did her.

"You're being awfully cute over there, Y/n. Are you trying to tease me, baby?" Kristy purred.

Kristy then reached out to touch you but you pulled away with a cheeky smile, "No, no, no, Mistress. I haven't even finished stripping yet.~"

"To hell with that!" Kristy quickly got up and picked you up, throwing you onto the mattress just as quick. She quickly climbed on top of you, asserting her dominance over you, "You don't get to tease me like that and get away with it, Y/n.~" she gently held your wrists above your head and continued on with what she was doing only moments ago.

As Kristy kissed at your chest, you couldn't help but gasp, "Yes, Mistress..." Your face turned red again as she bit into your flesh, leaving rings of teeth all over your neck and chest.

"Y/n, I want you to listen to me carefully, okay?" Kristy whispered into your ear. You nodded as she continued, "I need you to take off your pants for me... they're very much in my way."

You nodded again and quickly did as you were instructed, flinging the clothing across the room. You were now down to your bra and panties.

Kristy smiled and held back a laugh, "Aww, babydoll

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Kristy smiled and held back a laugh, "Aww, babydoll... your underwear is so cute..."

"Shut up..." you growled and blushed.

"Hey, Y/n..." she spoke softly, turning your head back towards her, "I think they're very cute, I just wasn't expecting them... that's all. You look adorable." Kristy smiled and kissed your lips gently, "Tomorrow... I think we should go underwear shopping for you... Then I think you should model them for me. Does that sound fun?" Kristy purred and kissed your neck softly.

"Alright." You smiled and then felt your bra slide up, which startled you a little.

"Look at this..." Kristy smiled and bit her lips, "Look at how beautiful they are... so plump and soft..." she gently began to rub them with her hands, "Those little buds..." Kristy chuckled softly as she pulled you up into her lap to straddle her. She gently placed a kiss on your left breast and then one on your right, "You're so beautiful, Y/n... You know that?" She gazed at the breasts she held in her hands like she did at egg sandwiches in the morning... with love.

Kristy then gently placed her tongue around the nipple of the left breast and flicked at the sensitive bud before slipping it into her mouth and sucking on it.

"Kri-... Kristy!~" You moaned softly, "Kristy... please, they're sensitive..." you begged. You begged because you feared if she didn't stop that you'd end up being far more aroused than you needed to be. You could already feel your panties flooding with arousal.

She waited a moment before switching to the other breast. Swirling her tongue around the nipple only made you moan louder and more frequently, "Kristy... Kristy, please..."

She pulled back from your breast, releasing it with a pop and a sinister smile, "Please what, baby? Tell me what you need.~"

"I-I want you to touch me, Kristy... touch me more.." you begged, "Please..."

"You want me to touch you down there?" Kristy licked her lips and asked again softly, "You want me to finger you, Y/n?"

You nodded and begged softly, "Yes, please, please hurry..."

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