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You sighed angrily, yanked your hand away from Kristy's, "I'm an adult, Bruce Wayne, I won't listen to your nonsensical babbling any longer!" You stood up and snatched your purse up.

  You were never one for anger, but you loathed social conflict above all else. Your cousin stared in shock that you had even raised your voice a tad, Kristy on the other hand had a  'traveled through another dimension and returned not knowing what to think' type of shock on her face, she had never even seen you scowl.. how was she supposed to react upon seeing anger from you.

  You then turned to Kristy, "Kristy, grab your things, we're leaving. I'll make us dinner at my house, we can drink and have some fun."

  Kristy snapped out of her fantasy world and grabbed her things, "Y-Yeah, okay, Y/n." She watched as you stormed out the doors of the building and then took one look at Bruce.

  "I know what you are, Kristy..." Bruce smiled, "You're trouble..."

  "You don't know me." Kristy scowled and then quickly ran for her date.

  You stood outside, head shrunk down between your shoulders which had been raised slightly, your gaze fell upon the sidewalk and you were hugging yourself. You were hurt that Bruce would even respond in such a harsh manner to a girl that you had wanted Bruce to be impressed with. Harley came out of the building soon after you, get soft voice gracing your ears, "Y/n, don't listen to him, you're your own person."

  You felt two warm objects wrap around your waist, it was Kristy... she was holding you outside in the cold night. You didn't feel cold though, only comfort... the comfort from having the people you love around you. Do you... do you love her? Is that why you felt so safe? Why you felt that you could be yourself ? Why in this very moment, you thought....

I don't want her to let go of me...

Twice as Insane {Harley Quinn x Fem Reader}Where stories live. Discover now