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It had been two weeks since your encounter with Harley, you had moved on and continued with your busy, yet still boring, life.

You found yourself at a local Starbucks, sipping on your very berry hibiscus tea and grading some of the projects your students turned in.

"Stoichometry is not the powerhouse of the cell... imbecile..." you muttered and chuckled as you continued on, "And grams are not a measurement of liquids... is he even trying in my class anymore?" You sighed, looking down at the paper with a thousand red slashes covering its once white surface. You rubbed your temples and sighed before taking another sip of your drink.

"I'm.... sorry to bother you, but you looked so frustrated..." the voice was soft yet mature in manner, anyone could tell that this person was a bit nervous.

"As a te-" you looked up to see a girl unlike any other. She had brown hair with red highlights perfectly placed upon her head, mascara and lipgloss being her only mask, she was a 10/10 wow.

Twice as Insane {Harley Quinn x Fem Reader}Where stories live. Discover now