I (Bruce)

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"Mr. Wayne, your cousin is here... shall I bring her in?"

"Of course! Please, Ria." You could hear your cousin's rich, hypnotic voice from behind the doorway where the brunette named Ria stood.

"Already here~!" You smiled and maneuvered around the assistant, "excuse me, dove!"

Bruce smiled and stood up, extending his arms out to embrace you, "(F/n), long time no see, look at how you've grown! How old are you now?" He began scanning over your body to see how much had really changed.

"I'm 21 now, Mr. Wayne," you giggled happily and scanned the room, "seems you've done very well for yourself, dear."

"Yes, I have."

"You married now?"

"Sadly not."

"Aww.. yeah... that is sad..." you teased the billionaire before you, "how's Alfred!? I've missed him dearly!"

"Doing just as well as the last time you saw him... how long ago was that?" He smiled.

"4 years.." you sighed and gazed out the big window that overlooked Gotham, it made you feel powerful- in control of something, a rarity that is in your life, "Bruce..? Is it... possible that we could..." you couldn't pull your head out of the clouds. Gotham was so beautiful from up here, "that we could go out to dinner tonight, I heard about this sushi bar close by."

"Oh, Fuji?"

"Yeah!" You turned around with a smile on your face, "if you're too worried I'll run you dry, I can pay for it."

"What kind of man would I be if I didn't pay for your meal?" He scoffed and smiled softly at you, "I'm paying and that's final."

You were moderately wealthy because of your parents but you were, in all reality, a college chemistry professor. You were being kept alive and really that's all that mattered when it came to your wage.

"Fine then, take me there already so I don't go alone, I traveled on an empty stomach." You smiled.

The dark haired man took you by the arm and lead you out of the building and into the dusk-kissed Gotham streets.

Twice as Insane {Harley Quinn x Fem Reader}Where stories live. Discover now