I M C I N D Y, C I N D Y B O Y D

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finally, days where i can wake up without an alarm clock buzzing in my ear. it had been around 5 minutes since i had woken up so its best if i open my eyes now.

"your awake" corey smiled, looking through his closet pulling out a white shirt, a grey sweatshirt and jeans. "yep" i rubbed my eyes. "what you gonna wear today?" he asked. "i may aswell put on my dress and wear that until i get back home" i sat up. "back home?" he stopped what he was doing which was the slightest bit awkward as he was pulling his jeans up. "yes corey i kind of have to go back home" i kept my eyes on his face. "or you could just stay here until summer break is over" he done up his buttons then dived onto the bed with a smirk. "having to deal with you for that long" i sarcastically said. "thats rude" he began to stand back up. "i was kidding" i pulled him back down onto me, our eyes locked and wouldnt seperate.

RING, RING, RING. the telephone next to us rang, parting our eyes.

"haimster speaking" he picked it up "yeah shes here." he passed the telephone to me. "your still there?" jennifer shrieked on the other end. "yep i am" i said in a much lower voice than how she was speaking "anyway whats up" i looked over to corey. "well i have some exciting news" she sounded really happy "meet at the park in 10, i dont care if you bring corey or not" was the last thing she said then hung up. "what was that about?" corey leant on on my stomach. "she wants me to meet her at the park in 10" i began to get up and corey moved out of his position. "can i come?" he wrapped his arms around me. "only on one condition" i told him and he nodded "i can borrow your clothes." of course he said yes, he was too sweet unlike how he was at school.

i had gotten changed and me and corey headed off.

"so why does she wanna meet you anyways?" he asked. "exciting news apparently" i replied. we was at the park but i couldnt see anyone. "there she is corey pointed out "whose she with?" he turned to me. "i have no idea."

we walked over and she had finally noticed us and the girl who was standing with her immediately turned around then gave corey an evil looking death stare.

"whose this?" i asked her. "im cindy, cindy boyd" she smiled at me. holy fucking shit, i stared blankly at her, exchanging looks with corey.

"corey its great to see you again" she gave the brightest smile to him "how have you been?" she moved closer and rubbed her hand against his chest. jennifers face looked a bit shocked and looked back at me, she could tell this is pissing me off. "ive been great cindy" he pushed her hand off and moved closer to me. "oh so are you two" she pointed at us both. "of course n-" i was about to say not but he cut me off. "of course we are" he then put a tight grip on my hand.

her eyes looked like they were filled with anger but thats kind of her problem, she was the one who left.

"have you told her yet?" she looked corey dead in the eyes "about why we broke up." corey didnt hesitate "of course i have." she gave him a smirk "have you told her who?" he then shook his head. "cmon erica lets go now im not dealing with this shit" his grip became tighter as he started to walk away.

"he left me because he was inlove with one of my friends!" her voice became louder every step we took "unfortunately that friend was you!" her words made me stop in my tracks. "is that true cor" i looked at him. i wasnt mad at him i was just shocked at why he didnt tell me. "yeah it is but i couldnt get you back then thats why im trying now" he smiled and continued walking, leaving cindy furious.

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