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"you finished erica?" he asked me "i have somewhere else we need to go" he grinned. "well lets go then" i smiled back at him.

he then grabbed my hand and led me out of the diner, leaving a tip on our table before leaving.

"so where are we going now or is it a surprise?" i asked him. "its somewhere that i like to go to get away from people, your the first girl who will know about this place" he gave me a walm smile.

from what i could tell we were going through the woods and up a hill, i couldn't see much due to tree branches in the way but when it started to clear up there was a view of the town underneath us. i could see the diner we had been at, our school and even my own home. shit my home, ive gotta go back there soon.

"corey this is breathtaking" i said stepping out of the car. "now you know how i feel when i look at you" he sat on the hood of the car staring at me. "this is why i love you cor" i sat on the hood with him. "i love you more erica" he grabbed my face and leant in.

being with corey felt like being in heaven, he's one of the only boys i know that treat my right. i loved him more than anything for that.

me and corey spent hours talking and admiring the view until he thought it was time to finally head back before it started to get late and i was starting to get tired.

"hey erica?"  corey said randomy when we pulled up at his house "do you know how to drive?" he asked. i shook my head. "well then thats something to teach you."

corey went straight into the kitchen and started making food whilst i went up into his room and got changed back into his shirt, well its my shirt now.

after a few minutes of attempting to tie my hair up without failing, i went to the kitchen to check on him where he had taken his shirt off and had stood there in just his sweatpants cooking something on the stove.

"what ya making" i went behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "food" he laughed. "well no shit" i let go of him and sat on the counter. "why'd you ask then" he said. "shut up" i muttered before he could continue to bully me. "im kidding" he laughed to himself again.

i never knew how good of a cook corey was. im gonna miss this when i go back home, if i ever go back home.

"so how come you haven't went to visit your parents whilst being here" corey asked in between him chewing on his food. "well you know my dad's in england for work, my moms on holiday somewhere and my brother rarely comes home" i shrugged "so its just me in that house, theres no point going back until somebody else is there as well." his expression changed like he was sorry for me "im sorry about that erica" he put his hand on top of mine and squeezed it "you can stay here whenever you like" he then gave me a small smile "now lets go to my room" he winked. "excuse me" i laughed at him "its a joke" he laughed with me "unless you want to" he raised his eyebrows then smirked.

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