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me and corey had gotten back to his place, all i had gotten was him none stop apologizing for entire walk home.

"why are you even apologizing, cor?" i sat on his kitchen counter. he stood in between my legs and played with my hair "because i didnt tell you" he hung his head down. "i dont care corey as long as im with you now."

he stared at me for a few seconds until he leant in and crashed his lips against mine, it took my a second to process but i kissed him back and moved my hands into his hair as he moved his down onto my waste.

"corey maybe we should-" i was going to say something to him. "maybe we should what?" he pulled away. "it doesnt matter now kiss me." i leant back in and so did he.

he began to kiss me deeper until his grip on my waste became stronger and he picked me up from the counter then laid me on his bed without breaking the kiss. he lifted my arms up taking my shirt off and began kissing down my neck whilst unbuttoning his jeans and beginning to pull them off.

BANG,BANG,BANG, came from the front door. corey removed himself from my neck and pulled his jeans back up.

"sorry doll, i'll be back soon" he kissed my cheek then ran down the stairs.

i looked at the ceiling, rethinking what the fuck just happened but i didnt even know myself but i mean i wasnt gonna lay here and complain. its just, with corey? its unbelieveable, i couldnt help but keep on thinking about it until corey came back up.

"dont even wanna put your shirt back on" he smirked shit i didnt realise that. "my shirt now?" i laughed as i walked over to window where he was standing. "shut up i didnt mean that" he chuckled then turned around and hugged me "now lets get my shirt back on" he tackled me onto the bed "no my shirt" i shouted.

i had only just realised that i never asked corey who was at the door.

"corey?" i tapped him on the shoulder as he rolled over to face me "who was at the door earlier?" i asked. "it was your friend" he mumbled "jennifer she came and bought you some clothes." he sounded pretty tired "wait erica before i fall asleep i wanna ask if you'd be my girlfriend" his hand reached up to my face. "of course i do corey" i smiled as he leant in and kissed me before falling asleep into my chest.

RING,RING,RING. the telephone went off, i picked it up before it woke corey.

"is this erica?" it sounded like a girl talking on the other side. "yes it is" i replied "who is this" i asked. "cindy silly" she said "now i want to talk to you about corey" her voice suddenly became harsher. great now i have to deal with this bitch.

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