Chapter 35: Resolutions

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"Do you all still keep that galleon on you?" Ginny asked us as we were walking out of class an hour later. I turned away from the one corner I expected Draco to be waiting and looked to Ginny.

"Like I'd have enough galleons to confuse with this one," Ella said as she showed her piece in her hand proudly.

Sam took one look at the galleon and sighed.

"Oh Ella, you do it to yourself."

A frown appeared on Ella's brow as she looked at the galleon up close. Catching sight that it was in fact an actual galleon in her hand and not the fake, she started to curse repeatedly, making Sam smile.

"I guess I can see if Hermione has a spare?" Ginny said more as a question than as a promise but it worked in settling Ella down while I took a moment to check my own pockets for the galleon. It was there, alright.

"Do you have any news on when the next meeting will be?" I asked, turning to Ginny.

"All I know is it's not tonight. Harry has something going on. But Hermione thinks it'll happen soon. Best keep an eye on the coin."

"Right, well, we should get to Charms," Ella said, turning to Sam. "Ginny will you walk with us?"


Sam who was looking back to me with a knowing glance eyed behind me in warning before turning away with the others.

 Sure enough, Draco was there, waiting by the wall of the adjourning hall towards Potions.

"I'm surprised you showed up to see me," I said as I joined him by the wall.

"I'm still surprised you hit me with another book. And bit me."

"You deserved it."

Draco shook his head but offered me his hand and I took it.

"I meant it when I said I don't think we'd fight over who does what in this Inquisitor Squad," Draco began as we started our walk down the hall. I chose to keep quiet and let him speak. It sounded like he had thought about this over last period. "I mean, there's more than enough trouble we could cause without getting in each other's way. Not to mention your parents would want you to join."

"Don't pull that card on me," I said with a tug of his arm. There was a beat of silence where it seemed he was waiting for me to go on. So I did. "

You want to know why I really did not want to get involved in all of this," I asked, slowing down.  Draco paused by the door to the stairs to let me go first.


"Umbridge has this weird obsession with my Father. And no, not like she has with the rest of the ministry members," I added hastily, seeing his reaction. "She has it out for my mother and I swear she'll use my attendance in her rank to cause trouble."

"Why are you just now telling me this?" Was he taking me seriously? I thought he'd ridicule my reasoning. 

"Because, well- I found it rather odd and I'm not 100% sure it's true per say- but I don't want to test it either."

He stood back against the door of the stairs for a moment, contemplating something. I let him think about it while I started down the stairs. We we reached the dungeons he responded. 

"I doubt Umbridge could do anything to cause trouble between your parents. Especially against your mother-"

"You really don't know anything about women, Draco. Trust me, my mother has plenty of people who dislike her." Draco cast me a bemused look and chuckled allowed.

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