Chapter 1: Summertime

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"We're going to drown!"

'We are not going to drown Mila, for pete's sake, just hold onto the jib and don't let go," Marie said in a resigned voice from port. The original French group of friends had done as promised and joined Marie on a sail experience at the beginning of summer. A distraction Ava gratefully accepted away from home. Mila on the other hand, not so much.

"Why did we have to leave the peaceful waters? This isn't fun anymore!" she complained, as she held on to the jib line for dear life. A high wind blew the sails forward into the rough waves ahead, where white caps salted the dark waters, sending sea spray into our faces and making our eyes burn. The town line where we had docked the boat earlier, was a few miles back. A rather long swim, but not impossible to return back to, should the boat turtle into the deep sand below.

"What are you talking about?" Marie asked outraged from her spot in the captain's seat. "This is what true sailing is!"

Ana, who was readjusting her harness belt that clipped her into the boat, began to reach for her struggling friend only to trip over Gisele, who clung to the side of the boat, sea sick. Jacqueline looked like a fish out of water in this scene. Her hair was a wet mess, the makeup she had originally worn this morning was fresh off her face with bits of mascara running down her face. That frown line over her brow was back as she looked back at the boat from the bow.

Other than Marie, Rosalie and I seemed to be having a splendid time in the boat. I had been in numerous boats before, even sometimes in rough waters. But never in such a small boat. Nor was I ever in charge of steering the vessel. My parents paid people for that.

As another wave bumped the boat forward, Gisele threw up over the side making all of us collectively wince except for Marie, who had seen this many times before.

"Let's go around that marker up ahead and then we can return back to dock. Gisele needs some eggs and toast."

"I think the last thing she needs is food, Marie," I said as my gaze stayed on Gisele, looking green.

"Trust me Ava. When you get sea sick, the best thing to eat is eggs and toast. Settles your stomach and makes you feel nice and warm. Doesn't that sound nice Gisele?" Marie said that last part in a louder voice for her friend to hear. But Gisele only collapsed her head onto the boat's edge.

As we neared the marker, Marie instructed Ana and Mila to release the jib some, but they took it too far and released the entire sail, making our boat go in circles, the likes of which sent Gisele overboard and Rosalie getting hit hard in the head with the giant piece of wood that kept the main sail in place (known affectionately as the Boom).

Suffice it to say, that the moment the boat was under control again, and we had managed to sail back into the marina to dock the boat, all of us were ready to tap out.

"It wasn't that bad," I conferred, as I helped Jacqueline off the boat. She proceeded to flop to the ground, her legs going under her.

"Merde! What the actual-"

"You've got sea legs, Jaqueline. You're fine," Marie said with a hint of a grin as she hoisted her friend up and put an arm over her shoulder. "Walk it off. "

"As you can see here, I can't," she retorted irritably but stopped complaining the moment Marie had us seated in an outside café situated by one of the open canals. A packet of cigarettes was sent Jacqueline's way while Gisele dried her hair next to her.

"Warm yourself up," Marie instructed her French friend motherly. "I don't want my Tante Bepe to have to deal with you all grumpy."

"I can see now why she didn't join us out to sail," I said with a smile as food was delivered to the table. Eggs and toast for all, with a glass of milk for Marie.

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