Chapter 63: The American Dream

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**I'M BACK!!**

The clapping ended as soon as I rose from my bow and the next few moments washed together as Xander escorted me off the main stage to the side where fellow debutants and their escorts watched the excitement.

I spotted my mother in the crowd, wrapped up in an elegantly long gown of rose pink with her hair held high in a french twist. Her green eyes shimmered my way with obvious pride at what she had seen from me. She had told me it was an accomplishment to have made it here tonight, but I didn't exactly see her point.

It's not like I did anything to get in that was noteworthy. Nothing except carry an old money name and not stop my parents from throwing money at the debutant organization a month prior to my entrance into society.

Technically speaking, I was right on the cusp for my year, and so could have walked the ball in the following summer. But that wouldn't have been as useful to my parents when it comes to clearing their name of any gossip relating to a certain you-know-who.

No sooner had I gone into la la land, I felt Xander behind me inhale so abruptly I turned to see him staring at the next debutante with absolute fascination. Who he saw in the red head, I couldn't tell at first.

I did a double take as the debutante drew closer to the front of the stage, her alabaster dress flowing out like a waterfall behind her as she turned her back to the gapping audience of debutantes and turned her attention to high society looking to her expectantly.

The red head notched her head to her chest and slowly dropped down into the most charming bow that only the likes of Beauxbatons could muster.

"Announcing Miss Rosalie Anthea Tripe"

As the crowd roared into applause, Ava watched as her old friend rose from her bow with a knowing smile before extending an elongated arm to her date to walk her off. Ava may have quieted the gossip around her family's misgivings at this event, but it was Rosalie who stole the show.

Beauxbatons had done it's magic on the girl in 2 ½ years and the effects could make anyone, even the likes of Annie and Elizabeth gap openly at their old target.

Rosalie walked with a wilt that put models to shame. Her face no longer carried nearly as much baby fat she harbored before. In fact, Izzy couldn't help but be in awe of how her old friend's skin shimmered around the camera flashes.

While the girls from Newport seethed at the girl's arrival back into east coast society, Ava Fountaine couldn't help but beam at her old friend. Madam Benoît would be proud.

The moment the presenting ceremony ended and the quartet strung into resonance in preparation for the dancing quarter to begin, I watched with amusement as debutantes turned in as if to swarm Rosalie. Even Xander made a move in her direction, as if expecting me to also want to get a better look at the girl.

"Easy Xander," I placed a hand gently on his chest. "it's not like she's going anywhere." I pulled him back toward the floor for dancing while ignoring his questionable stare. "You have a job, remember?"

"You seem a little over excited to have me dance with you, Ava. Don't act like you're not surprised to see the state of Rosalie. She's your friend—don't you want to say hi?"

"In front of that crowd?" I questioned, eyeing up Annie and Elizabeth nearby who stood tightly together amongst their click from Illvermorny. They looked to be gossiping fiercely amongst each other. "We have all night to see her. What's the rush?"

"Here you stand in the middle of New York City surrounded by all the top dogs of this nation, and you have the perfect opportunity right over there," Xander nodded to the growing crowd, "to draw that attention back onto you. But you're not making any attempt to do so."

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