Chapter 70: Potions Darling

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"My name, as you may have heard over the splendid feast last night, is Professor Slughorn. I was a professor here many years ago. More likely before any of you were even born. Ah-yes, I see it now," the potion's master said, as he examined the many faces around him. "I do see resemblances in this very room from my original class. I believe I taught many of your parents and they were as bright as any I should imagine. I do hope the same for all of you, now isn't that right---"

Just as the master was to continue on his rant, the doors to the potions room opened and in ran to everyone's surprise, Harry Potter and his redheaded friend, Ron Weasley. Both looked flushed from running, and stunned by the sudden attention they faced as they entered.

"Harry m'boy!" Slughorn announced with a positive joy that Ava was certain had never been experienced in this room before.

"Sorry professor," Harry said, notably out of breath. "Professor McGonigal just added us back into your class. We don't have any of our equipment but—"

"Nonsense!" the old man batted a hand in their direction. "There's some supplies in the cupboard. Grab what you need and get yourself settled. I was just telling the class here that we will be starting today with some identifications of some rather outwardly sorts of magic found in potions."

Due to the cauldron situated on our desk, only one other chair remained at our table, causing the boys who rushed past us in a dust storm of sloppy footsteps to get settled at the table next to ours. Hermione was looking at them with the biggest frown that made me bit back a snort as I turned my attention back to Slughorn. He had begun to pace, his amber robes moving with him as his protruding belly led the way back and forth in front of his table where a nice set up of scales, utensils, and his own book lay open to a potion I could not read from where I sat.

"What you see before you all today ladies and gentleman are an assortment of NEWT level potions that you all should be familiar with, even if you have not made them. For example," he moved his way over to the table surrounded by the few Hufflepuffs in existence, where a cauldron lay in the center, bubbling something, who's contents I could not see while sitting. As if possessed by the same spirit of curiosity, Hermione and I both stood up on our toes to get a better look at the colorless potion bubbling within.

"Can anyone tell me what this potion here is?"

Hermione's arm flashed into the air while I took a seat.

I opened my notepad and dipped my quill thoughtfully in the ink as Slughorn looked around the room for his students to take their fill of the potion.

I had just written down Vieritaserum in my nice cursive as Hermione was called at last and said the very same answer.

"Very good, my dear," Slughorn said with much ado. "And what, my dear, is the property of Vieritaserum?"

"It's a truth potion, sir," Hermione cleared her throat. "It's odor-less and has no taste, so as to be able to hide in whatever tonic or drink of the user's choice."

I felt the cold draft before the others reacted and watched as those around the room seemed to go still at Hermione's words. We might as well have been signed off on our knowledge of this potion given how many of us were spiked with the thing last year alone.

"Very very good, Miss?"

"Granger, sir."

"Ah, yes, very good. Now if we are to look at the potion over here by these gentlemen, what say is this potion?"

I didn't have to stand this time to see the mud-like potion rolling in a soft boil, over an open flame at the Slytherin boys' table. Hermione should know this one very well.

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