Chapter 7 ~ Fire

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Cato POV

For some stupid reason, I try to stand close to Clove in an attempt to prove something to Marvel, even though I'm pretty sure he's still wrapped up in his unrequited love for Glimmer. As we start to head off again as a group, it doesn't take long for us to assume our previous positions - Lover Boy seemingly leading the pack near the front, Glimmer glued to my shoulder, and Marvel and Clove chatting at the back.

No one ever really tells you how boring the arena gets when you're searching for other tributes for hours upon hours and have nothing to show for it.

Tonight it was pitch black, and this time Marvel and Clove wore the night vision glasses to lead the group. It made me uneasy to not be leading, being a follower doesn't suit me. I felt useless, as all I could do was walk blindly behind them and trust that they'll spot any nearby tributes.

Suddenly a large ball of light appeared out of nowhere and started barrelling right towards us. "Duck!" I scream, as the fireball blasts a tree just behind us, engulfing it in flames. I looked back in terror, as the fire creeped along the floor of the woods, spreading unnaturally fast. "Run!" I desperately command the group, waking them up from their shocked state.

Now it didn't matter that I didn't have the night vision glasses, the wall of fire behind me illuminated the landscape with a golden glow. Whenever the Gamemakers created things like this it was usually to draw players together, this thought in the back of my mind gave me a small boost of adrenaline.

However, this excitement quickly subsided as the dark black smoke filled my lungs, choking me. The burning sensation in my throat slowed me down, as I desperately tried to flee the fire's grasp. Clove and Marvel had a pretty good distance on the rest of us and I was only just keeping up, but as I looked back I saw Glimmer who was struggling to even stay standing.

Her coughs turn into shallow, desperate gasps for air, and I know I could never live with letting her die like this – not when I'm nearby enough to save her. Without a second thought I sprint back to get her, the fire fast approaching. Picking her up, I sling her over my shoulders and tried to follow the fading shadows of Marvel and Clove among the thick smoke.

I only had to run just a small distance before I find an open space with clean, cool air, free from any fire. I knew the Gamemakers wouldn't kill us in there, I think, relieved. Usually they prefer to leave the killing to the tributes themselves, in order to keep it interesting. As I set Glimmer down, only now am I aware of the uncontrollable coughing and gagging which has resulted from all the smoke I inhaled.

My body collapses on the ground, and hunching over I began to vomit up whatever food I had left in my stomach. I felt delirious as I allowed my eyes to close, and the rancid vomit ran down my chin. That's when a kind touch poured fresh, cool water over my face, cleaning it, and comforting me by rubbing my back.

I allow my eyes to rest for just a moment more, and when I open them I was greeted with Clove's concerned face. Seeing her face makes me feel better immediately and I sip on the remaining water from the bottle which she hands me. Clove doesn't look like she was even in that fire with me, she must've been too quick for it to catch her.

Clove POV

I almost had a heart attack when I made it out of the fire and looked back to see nothing but black smoke wafting up into the air. Marvel, Lover Boy and I all made it out safely, but there was no sign of Cato or Glimmer. When I saw his silhouette appear out of the thick smoke, running with Glimmer in his arms, my heart beats a little easier. For the first time, seeing Cato and Glimmer so close doesn't provoke jealousy from me. I knew Cato was just drawn to saving her out of the good nature of his heart.

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