Chapter 10 ~ Allies

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Clove POV

Cato's arm is draped across my shoulder, and he rests most of his body weight on me as we walk down. Luckily, he still has some consciousness, so I think we'll be able to make it there before he passes out.

A wave of relief rushes over me at the sight of the golden cone of the Cornucopia. Immediately I rest Cato down against a tree facing the lake. His eyelids are getting heavy, so I'm not sure if he can even understand me when I talk to him.

"Marvel and I are going to get food and look for some sort of medicine in the Cornucopia. Maybe pain killers will help."

He gives a faint, distant nod and then rests his head on his shoulder. I look around us, just to check if anyone is nearby. A great worry is pounding on my heart, drawing me to stay with him and protect him. Marvel's voice from behind me makes me jump, as I've forgotten he's there.

"He'll be fine." He says, sensing the worry in my eyes. I stare up at him, with an unconvinced look on my face. "Just trust me, will you? No one in their right mind would stay near the Cornucopia with us lurking. And anyway, there's already been a death today, the Gamemakers have had their fun."

He was right. Although I was somewhat sad about Glimmer's death, every death meant a period of calm which would last for about the rest of the day. I nod at Marvel, who already started towards the Cornucopia. Before following behind him I bend over and kiss Cato lightly, savouring ever second of his lips. His face is cool from bathing in the river, and I can feel a lump forming under his right eye. The corners of his mouth turn up ever so slightly when I pull away, which makes me smile. "I'll be back soon," I whisper.

When I turn my body to face Marvel, his head turns around suddenly to look towards the Cornucopia. Had he been watching Cato and I? I wondered. I shake my head, as though to shake away this thought. No, don' t be ridiculous. I got up and tried to catch up to Marvel.

Marvel barges into the heart of the Cornucopia, his eyes darting around observantly. "Yep, not much has changed." He concludes. And from what I can tell, he's right. Practically everything is just as we left it, besides a few bits of food that seemed to be taken. I wonder by who.

I open the lid of the one of the grey containers to find it filled to the brim with food. There were loaves of bread, some fresh fruit, some berries and even a few water bottles filled with filtered water. I set this aside for us to take later. I can hear Marvel rummaging from behind me, from the sound of things he's making a complete mess. "What are you looking for?" I say.

And just as I do he pulls something out from beneath a few crates. "Ah Ha!" He yells, holding out a long metal rod with a pointed end. It's his spear. We'll be unstoppable now. His eyes have a fire in them as he examines the rod, brushing off any dust which has collected.

His rummaging reminds me of the medicine I hid in the corner on the first day. Excitedly I rush over to the corner, searching for the container I put them in. It's hard to tell because every crate looks the same. But after opening up only a few I had found it.

Inside the plastic container lay a few metal tins of medicine, each labelled with their use. 'Minor burns', 'Minor scrapes', 'Painkillers', etc. I assume the tins were so small because they wanted tributes to rely more on their sponsors. Sponsors!

I reach into my pocket and pulled out the small little tin of pills we received after escaping the fire. I open it up to find two lonely pills rolling around. I feel elated for remembering. I grab the painkiller tin from the container as well, and stuff it into my pocket. These will do the trick.

"Find anything useful?" Marvel asks from behind me.

"Yep!" I say gleefully, turning around to face him. He has a huge smile across his face, probably for finding his spear. "Let's head back now."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2022 ⏰

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