Chapter 41: Kamen's present

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Like not edited at all. Sorry people for the long wait and the probably numerous mistakes in this chapter. My bad :(

~~Chapter 41: Kamen's present~~

Quickly, Nick slammed the oven door closed before anymore of the delicious smell could leak out of it. He moved quickly and easily slipped past Max and I who were frozen in place. We both watched him take a few strides towards Kamen who was currently taking off his black shoes before stopping in his tracks.

          Nick snapped his fingers before turning around, his eyes wide and staring directly at me. I gulped, shuffling back a bit, “What—“

          Nick’s hand jutted out and his fingers slipped around my wrist before tugging me forward. I stumbled as Nick quickly walked Kamen’s way.

          I shook my wrist roughly, trying to break free from his grasp, but soon enough we were both standing in front of Kamen whose eyes were on both of us like a hawk. He folded his arms across his chest, his eyes narrowing slightly. My eyes darted between Kamen, the floor, and then back up at Nick whose face seemed completely calm. I bet my voice was lit up like a Christmas tree right at that moment.

          Kamen sighed, running his hand over his forehead. “Nick, what are you—“

          Nick cut him off by thrusting my hand up into the air. I let out a small squeal as Nick’s strong arm nearly lifted me off the ground in the process. Compared to both Kamen and Max, Nick was undoubtedly the smallest man here, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t at least a bit taller than me.

          “Happy birthday, Lan.” Nick beamed, holding my wrist out towards Kamen like I was some sort of prize.

          Kamen’s eyes landed on me, his eyebrow flying up in question. My jaw dropped open in shock as I glared up at the smiling Nick, “What the hell are you—“

          “You didn’t think we forgot your birthday, did you Lan?” Nick carried on as if I was nothing but a bug on the ground. I huffed in annoyance and elbow him with my free arm but he barely let that faze him.

          “Nick, what the hell is this?” Kamen groaned, annoyance lacing his voice and for once I didn’t blame him for being so pissed off. Nick was acting like a freaking psycho.

          I could hear Max shuffling awkwardly behind me, his tall frame swaying back and forth unsurely as all he could do was stare at Nick in the same dumb confusion as I was. His hand was still firmly grasped over my wrist making me wince in pain. I could tell he was nervous, but his face showed nothing but a calm demeanor of a business man.

          I looked curiously up at Kamen whose eyes were glued onto Nick’s clam expression. I wasn’t surprised I couldn’t read Kamen’s expression, I never could in the past why did I expect to now? Not being able tgo tell whether Kamen was buying Nick’s little charade was still infuriating.

          “It’s your present Kamen, of course.” Nick beamed, thrusting my wrist Kamen’s way making me stumble in front of him. Catching myself quickly, I didn’t miss the opportunity to turn around and give Nick a quick glare. The nasty look on my face soon melted away as I stood up straight only to find myself face to face with the devil himself.

          “Indie, you look as red and blotchy as ever.” Kamen said, his tone expressionless.

          I opened my mouth to immediately retort his comment before Nick’s words sunk in and I found my jawe snapping closed. Biting my bottom lip roughly Nick’s words rushed through my head.

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