Chapter 2: Name on the street=Noodle Lady

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~~Chapter 2: Nme on the street=Noddle Lady~~

Maxwell opened the door for me and I eagerly walked in as fast as the bone crushing heels would allow me to. Once I entered the room I couldn’t believe that this-my dream- was actually coming true. I was meeting Nickolas Alvis the one person that I had always wanted to have published my book ever since I first wrote my first word.

          The office that I was brought into was surprisingly small for such a successful owner of a booming business. It really didn’t matter though because despite the small space the room looked rather tidy and professional like, just like I had always pictured it would be. Let’s just say it was a thousand times better than me and my roommate’s trashed house.

          The most shocking thing to me though was the man sitting in a big black leather office chair that sat right on the other side of a wooden desk. The man sitting there had dirty blonde hair that was pushed back with fancy man gel and I could already smell the strong scent of cologne from across the room. This guy was certainly Mr. Fancy-pants. He had beaming blue eyes and looked only to be around thirty years old, but he could be younger because the slight black bags that hung under his eyes guessed that he worked a lot for such a young age.

          “Mr. Alvis, Ms. Lawrence is here to see you.” Maxwell said once I had stepped into the room. I couldn’t help but quickly glance down at my clock nervously to check the time. It was four thirty five, I wasn’t a minute late yet I wasn’t even aware this was the correct room I had to be in.

          “Thank you, Max. You may leave us alone now.” Mr. Alvis said while rubbing his eyes and trying to suppress a yawn.

          Maxwell nodded and turned to leave the room leaving Mr. Alvis and I alone. I couldn’t help the big goofy grin that was spread across my face along with my tapping feet as I tried to stop myself from jumping around the room with excitement. I have never been lucky, or good, at anything in the past. I always ended up screwing up whatever I loved to do but that wasn’t going to happen this time. Right when I received the notification that I was indeed going to have an interview with Mr. Alvis, I promised myself I wouldn’t mess up no matter what. I was going to succeed; I had no other choice but to. If I didn’t succeed I didn’t know what was going to become of my life after this.

          I stood there patiently as Mr. Alvis rubbed his eyes until they were as red as my face before finally glancing up at me. To my amazement, right when Mr. Alvis’s eyes landed on me they instantly grew ten times wider. My first thought was he must have noticed the brown spots scattered across my shirt and couldn’t believe a client would come to his office looking like a slob.

          My heart sank at the thought but it didn’t last long as I hint of excitement showed in his eyes giving me hope that my accusation was false.

          “Oh my,” Mr. Alvis’s face lit up even more as he looked at me from head to toe. “I knew you were young, but they said nothing about you being so beautiful, Ms. Lawrence.”         

          My cheeks heated up and I couldn’t force out any words to say to him at that moment in time.

          “Forgive me, ma’am for asking such a rude question so soon,” Mr. Alivs changed the subject completely. “But your name is Ms. Lawrence correct? I wouldn’t want to make a mistake, especially this soon in the interview” Mr. Alvis asked me hopefully and I couldn’t believe my eyes as he began slowly rising from his desk.  

          “Um, yes Mr. Alvis. My name is Jo Lawrence.”

          “Jo?” Mr. Alvis’s eyebrows raised but the pleasant expression didn’t leave his face.

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