Chapter 30: Mix between ninja and cop

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~~Chapter 30: Mix between ninja and cop~~

Hey bros! I know it has been a while since I've uploaded so I think a little summary thingy will be in order. Yes?

So far Jo and Kamen are still having issues at Becky's marriage counseling camp. Jo recently found one of her friend's from Kansas is working there and that the reason Kamen decided to come to the camp at all was to show his step sister that they are really married. BUM BUM BUMMMM. And so the story continues....


I shoved clothes helplessly into my suitcase with tears splashing down my face. My favorite bright pink Hollister top that had warm, long sleeves was now drenched in thick salty tears. The small, black suitcase that I managed to scramble past my dad wasn’t big enough to support whatever I needed to manage for the rest of my life, but it was all I had.

          I wiped my arm along my face, pushing back the tears, and was taken aback by the feel of my own skin. I quickly glanced down and looked at my bare skin in shame. Slashes of old and new red marks trailed up and down my arms like vicious snakes. It was so weird looking down at my skin; I wasn’t used to seeing it. The thought of anyone, even myself, seeing my grotesque arms was unbearable.  So I kept them hidden even from myself, it must’ve been a long time though.

          I twisted my neck towards the miniature, blue alarm clock sitting on the wooden desk near my single bed. 6:24. His game started only around thirty minutes ago, it would surely go on much longer than I had time for.

          I stood up with my one bag fully packed and ready in my hands. I scanned my room looking for a single element that missed. I couldn’t leave and forget something because if I didn’t I would never be able to come back for it—ever.

          My wide, green eyes stared desperately at the clock that was moving much too slow. I couldn’t leave without him, no matter how much I wanted to or how much my life depended on it, I knew I couldn’t. Even if it was the best for both of us for me to leave now without leaving a trace of where I will be, I knew I would come running back for him though.

          I would run back, even if I knew it would cost me my life—I would. I wouldn’t be able to overcome the horrible darkness that would soon consume me once again if I left him. I would fall into an endless pit of misery and despair and become nothing but a lifeless shell like I once was before I met him. I used to be able to live with it, but I was hardly holding on at the time. If I was to lose the one thing that gave me meaning in my despicable excuse for a life—there is no doubt in my mind that I would eventually be found in a pool of my own blood with a gun in my hand.

          I was staring helplessly up at the ceiling now with uncontrollable tears soaking the greasy carpet below me. My body was giving up on me, I felt so numb and cold. I felt alone. Being alone was something I once enjoyed and craved daily, now all I wanted was someone near me.

          I slowly got up off the ground and glanced down at my suitcase. I didn’t need it all of the things in there—only one. I grabbed the cold metal gun, my hands shaking violently as I did. I was destined to lead a miserable life—I understood that now. I had no right to drag anyone else down with me no matter how much I felt I needed to.

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