Chapter 2

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Adrian stared at Laynette as she weeped into her hands. Ever since he woke up, it's been chaotic. When he woke up next to Laynette, he just assumed she was a one night stand until he answered the call from his manager finding out she was his wife. While hiding in the bathroom, he searched his name and saw the articles about his 'shotgun marriage'.

He clicked on a few articles and saw the photos from last night, some helped regain his memory but it was still hazy. He didn't expect this at all, he wanted to have a fun time before he started filming in LA on Monday.

Now he watched as Laynette broke down in front of him. It relieved him to know that she felt as devastated as he did but they needed to resolve the matter. His agent said to make the woman stay with him until he calls back.

He noticed her wheezing a bit and felt concerned "Hey," he kneeled in front of her "I know this is difficult for you right now." She looked up at him with her stained fill cheeks "But I need you to calm down and breathe, ok?" He said gently before they did some breathing exercise once her breathing came down he was relieved "Better?" She nodded while she wiped the tears from her eyes "Good." He said soothingly as he stood up "Now let's talk about last night."

Her face paled at the thought of what happened to them "I honestly don't remember much. I knew I was at the club, my friends and I were at the bar." She rubbed her temples "I think a priest showed up and a chapel later on." She said in confusion "then i woke up here" her eyes welled up "married to you." She wailed into her hands.

He knew the situation could be emotionally exhausting but it hurt him in a sense every time she cried about their marriage. Am I that bad on the eyes?

She wiped her eyes again "What about you?"

He sat next to her "About the same." He sighed as he took his phone out "I saw some photos from last night and it helped refresh my memory." She clutched her phone at that "How about you try the same method." He suggested.

She shook her head "I don't think I can." She sighed "I might throw up." She rest her head in her hands.

He frowned "I don't think I'm that bad." He grumbled.

She looked at him, she didn't mean to insult him in that way, it was more towards her being in this situation but she didn't want him to know that she could understand him so she kept quiet.

"So you're Adrian Rey?" She asked sheepishly.

He gave a small smile "Yes I am." He rest his hand on his lap "And you're Laynette Rey." He said and watched as she swooned at that, "What a lovely name for my lovely wife." He laid it thick with his accent.

He watched as she blushed and quickly looked away from him to hide her cheeks, he suddenly felt the urge to tease her.

"My beautiful wife," he purred "don't look away. I want to see more of your face." He flirted as he leaned closer to her.

Laynette felt like she was about to die, he was too close for his own good and his voice was doing things to her. Especially with the way he kept addressing her as his wife, she didn't mind being called that if he kept using that tone of voice.

She turned to him to tell him to back away but was thrown off with how close he got to her, if either leaned closer they could kiss. Adrian's eyes went from hers to her lips then back to her eyes.

Her gaze lingered on his lips "Laynette," his voice deepen with his accent "my eyes are up her." He teased.

Her eyes snapped to his and that's when he went in for a kiss, she wrapped her arms around his neck as she deepened it. He pushed her down gently as his hands went under the shirt.

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