23 insta.

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📍Home, Monaco.
Liked by Landonorris and 11.949.395 others.
@lilliandevries: for everyone who i have never told, i have diabetes type 1. I'm not going into detail about what it is but yes, i have it and i have it since i was too.
#chronicillness #healthy #illness4life

@sophiekumpen: proud of you for talking about this.
@lilliandevries: thnx mama!
@maxverstappen1: so proud! And we do this together!
@lilliandevries: i think i wouldn't have been able to do this without you!
@josverstappen7: I'm super proud of you finally having the gut to talk about this.
@lilliandevries: thnx papa! Thnx for learning how to deal with this so i could go to all max's karting races!
@josverstappen7: that's what you do for the people you love lily, no need to thank me.
@landonorris: wow, i would have never known you had this. But I'm not really familiar with this...
@maxverstappen1: you will learn along the way.
@lilliandevries: don't worry about it.
@charles_leclerc: so does that mean you can't eat sugar or is that a different type?
@lilliandevries: i think that is type 2, the one caused by overweight and too much sugar. But i can eat everything, so don't start cooking carbs free!
@charles_leclerc: so there is an overweight type too?
@lilliandevries: yupp and also a old age diabetes but I don't really know anything about the types that I don't have.
@charles_leclerc: wow... fascinating...
@floraruiter_: no you don't! You just want attention!
@lilliandevries: so my diabetic ketoacidosis was fake to you?
     @maxverstappen1: i still have nightmares about that!
     @tobydevries: same mate!
     @isadevriess: yeah, never again!
@user1: omg! Can she become any more amazing? I mean not only is she super gorgeous but also, she is like a huge role model to everyone!
@user2: i got type 1 diabetes too!!
     @lilliandevries: we can be diabetic together!

(A/n) i really have this disease and not a lot of people really know what it is. So i put it in to make it a little diverse as i never see this in any stories like it doesn't exist. Enjoy the chapter.

Max verstappen. (Insta)Where stories live. Discover now