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📍home, Belgium.
Liked by Lilliandevries and 6.299.950 others.
@maxverstappen1: meet our healthy baby boy Christopher verstappen. He was born very early this morning in my home country. We are very happy that he is finally here, everything went well in the labour and lily is good too. She's tired but doing well!
#baby #boy #son #kid

@landonorris: congrats on the birth of chris!! I'm super happy to be his cool uncle! 😎
@maxverstappen1: thanks mate!
@sophiekumpen: he is such a cutie!
@maxverstappen1: i know mam!
@usrr1: omg baby verstappen is finally here!!
@georgerussell63: so happy chris is here! And no lando! I'm the coolest uncle! 😎💪🏻
@maxverstappen1: thanks mate! I'm gonna let you and lando fight out who is the best uncle!
@user2: omg hi little chris!
@charles_leclerc: hello little chris! I'm uncle charles! The stupid cool uncle!
@maxverstappen1: hahah thanks mate!
@maxverstappen1: all the drivers are invited to visit us in two weeks when we go back to monaco!
@landonorris: oh hell yess i will!!
@alex_albon: I'm coming!!
@georgerussell63: you bet I'm coming!
@charles_leclerc: i will drop by!
@kaywinniela: what an amazing cute baby!!
@maxverstappen1: thanks kay!
@danielricciardo: hi cute chrissie! I'm uncle dan and I'm the funny one!
@maxverstappen1: thanks mate!
@user3: we love you little chrissie!
@paulinadevries: we are coming your way now!
@maxverstappen1: 👍🏻

Max verstappen. (Insta)Where stories live. Discover now