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Liked by maxverstappen1 and 827.294 others.
@lilliandevries: on our way to mama Sophie! I missed you so much mama!!
#home #belgium #childhoodhome #mama

@sophiekumpen: i will at the airport in a hour! Waiting for you guys! Can't wait to see you guys!
@maxverstappen1: missed you so much mama! Me and lily really are looking forwards to your cooking!
@sophiekumpen: i will make your favourite foods! I promise! Vic is here too with her kid!
@lilliandevries: can't wait!!
@victoriaverstappen: missed you so much lily!
@lilliandevries: missed you so much too!!!
@maxverstappen1: what about me vic?
@victoriaverstappen: hmm... 🤔 nope!
@maxverstappen1: 😔
@victoriaverstappen: jk! 🤪
@landonorris: will see you in a week!!
@lilliandevries: and we will tell you all about our trip!
@landonorris: deal! I wanna go to iceland too!!
@josverstappen7: glad you kids had fun! See you guys in a week!
@lilliandevries: miss you papa!
@josverstappen7: miss you too princess! Vic you better come to the race! I miss you too princessje!
@victoriaverstappen: don't worry pap, i will!
@daisyflowersmith: I'm so excited to see the races again!
@lilliandevries: same!!

Max verstappen. (Insta)Where stories live. Discover now