Chapter 2

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Cool winds flowing into open rooms and the sound of snow melting off of roofs and off the of buildings in the Dark Cacao Kingdom could be heard up in the high mountains beside the licorice sea, even the sun was already creeping into Dark Cacao's chambers.
He was already wide awake, sitting at his desk while he was filling out letters and numerous other things. He had his hair in a loose plait at the back of his head to keep it out of his face while he worked.

This morning was the day that Dark Cacao would start to write out letters to all of his friends, including his Lover, for a royal meeting.
After Golden Cheese last time, it was finally his turn to host it. He already had everything planned out, he just needed to deliver the letters to everyone and wait for them to show up by midday, he had his own servants that could deliver things within under hours, so it was it was hopeful that there would be no inconveniences.

Dark Cacao leaned back in his chair for a second, folding his arms slightly and looking down at his work with half lidded eyes, soon shifting his gaze to look around his desk, then turning his neck to stare at his room.
His eyes landed on a delicately sketched portrait of Pure Vanilla in a small Cacao-bordered frame sitting upright on his nightstand.

He gently got up from his chair and tucked it under his table, walking over the picture and  picking it up, he smiled at it briefly, glad that he would be able to meet Pure Vanilla this afternoon after so long. Dark Cacao then put his hand down his shirt slightly through his collar, pulling out a necklace with a ring at the end of it, a very detailed and fancy one at that.

It was his wedding ring, forged with a sturdy, black metal base, adorned with amethyst on the sides. It matched his eyes and hair according to Pure Vanilla, he picked it out himself because of it.
Cacao smiled softly at it, his eyes half lidded, zoning out, his head clouded with the idea of his Husband finally spending more than a week with him, and not because of war, but because of love.

His attention then was moved elsewhere as he flinched.
Knocking soon filled the room, his gaze meeting the door hastily. Dark Cacao then placed the picture back down, facing it down, and sliding the ring back under his robes as well.
Another knock was heard, Dark Cacao then headed over to the source of the knocking, opening the door and looking down, meeting with the eyes of one of his rather young butlers.

"...may I help you?" He asked simply and calmly, they seemed like a rather young person for such an adventurous task, he wondered which of his servants hired someone so young.

However, a neutral expression still remained on his face, his left hand resting on the door knob.
They cleared their throat, "I am due to collect the letters for the Royal meeting this afternoon." They said patiently, seeming rather nervous, peeking slightly into Dark Cacaos chambers out of curiosity.

"Ah- yes, let me get them for you." He said, heading back into his room, standing in front of his desk, he the placed the individual letters in each envelope, placing melted wax from a nearby pot on his desk as he placed an even amount on the seal of each of them, the servant watching carefully, he was young after all, he'd never even had the chance to stand in the presence of his King.

Dark Cacao then pressed down on each of the wax mounds with a wax seal, the symbol containing his crown and the shape of his soul jam, a square turned 90 degrees. Soon he put them in a small stack once they dried an adequate amount, handing them all to the servant, facing them as they soon took the letters, putting each envelope carefully in their satchel.

"I'll make sure they get delivered by this afternoon," They said before waving goodbye, receiving a small nod from Dark Cacao, "It was cool meeting you by the way! You're a good king!" They exclaimed cheerily, earning a slightly surprised look from Dark Cacao, he then chuckled softly, "Why thank you... now, stay safe on your journey, stay cautious."
Dark Cacao said, walking over and kneeling down to them, reaching just above eye level as he placed his hand on the others shoulder as he spoke.

You could almost see the young ones eyes light up right then and there.
They then nodded quickly, heading towards the door as they waved one last time, closing the door right after.
Cacao then got up from his kneeling position as he smiled softly and chuckled again, shaking his head slightly as he then headed to his cupboard in his chambers, opening the doors to it as he picked out some clothes carefully, all he needed to do was bathe and get dressed in appropriate attire for the occasion, after that he finally had some free time to wait for his friends.

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